Miami Dolphins Offensive Coordinator Chan Gailey Press Conference | September 15, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

This is the real problem on offense! Doctor Dust Daddy Chain Gaily

william harmon

Get out of the comfortable booth and teach on the side line or stay retired.
Be 1 with the “TEAM”.


Run blocking sucked

    Andrew Achal

    Horrid same as last year

Ethan G Money

Some of these questions are a little ridiculous for having only 1 game. Gaskin clearly had a hot hand so they left him in. Breida had some nice plays too. They have 4 capable Rbs theyre gonna need all of them if Parker is gonna be out

    Steve Oltjenbruns

    Ethan G Money I Wish they would give Breida more snaps. I think he can be more explosive. Really surprised we didn’t see more of him.

    Ethan G Money

    @Steve Oltjenbruns yea man I totally agree breida is a real asset but ok they plan on 2 backs to split the load, then the third comes in and looks sharp. Maybe we’ll see a lot of 2 rb sets? But this is like trying to analyze the team after the ravens week 1…the team evolved a lot so Flo has earned my trust im not stressin over little stuff. Convo could be totally different if Fitz had thrown 1 less pick ya know?

Brandon Savitski

I wasn’t too keen on them constantly rotating the running backs in and out of the game. There was no fluidity / continuity at all whatsoever.

    Steve Oltjenbruns

    Doesn’t matter who the running back is, the O-line couldn’t run block at all. Even on 3rd and goal, Howard got in the end zone due to a bad tackling effort, not because the O-Line knocked anyone back.

    Herbert Jefferson

    Agreed, I believe Howard is a runner that just wears a defense down. They never allowed him to establish a rhythm. With that said, I love all four backs and wouldn’t mind seeing a 49’ers approach to the running game.


Not at any point did we have control of this game, we would have had a chance if we could have moved the ball better. We just didn’t get enough from the offense and with the defense struggling to stop the runner we definitely didn’t put them in the best position to succeed we have to do better


    @Maaku stfu cause you obviously don’t know what u watching. They moved the ball at will all game and ate up clock. We had a few decent drives that turned out to be nothing. Maybe your expectations are just not that high on what a offense should look like

    bam adebayo

    We were missing a lot of receivers after the first half, and fitzpatrick didn’t help. You can’t throw 3 picks and have any chance to stay in the game


    @bam adebayo I agree you sure can’t


    Even tho it doesn’t matter 3 picks is 3 picks but only one was really his fault


    @Poseidon So you’re the idiot of this group. There’s always one

Brooklyn Rob

Wow Joe Biden is our offensive coordinator

Andrew Achal

No RB can succeed in Miami we run to much shot gun we are not the chiefs but we can’t run the ball either we’re not a good team

Bruce Key

This hire was so baffling by Flores. I predict Flores will have his 3rd OC in 3 years which is simply no good for continuity…Flores ain’t impressing me with his choices in’s almost as if he has no idea what he’s doing and he thinks he is BB.

Warrior Joe

I will definitely look for a better offense coach

Xenofan Allen

At this point he won’t make it through the season as the OC should have hired Mike Kafka Patrick mahomes quarterback coach to be the offensive coordinator who is much better suited Tua.

Jamie Sawyer

Fins Up!

Christian Spaschak

His playcalling was rusty to say the least, but the lack of TOP and receivers slipping didn’t help any.

mike mars

just retire

Mike Orefice

I hate running back committee. Let Breida play.

Matthew Fey

anyone else feel like Ross pushed this guy down Coach Flo’s throat… this guy can barely talk in an interview imagine him trying to react quickly in game scenarios…

Matthew Upchurch

I’m going back home and headed

Darrell Salu

I thought that investing in Parker was shaky from the beginning because he’s always injured!!! Let’s get Lyn Bowden, Jakeem Grant and Isaiah Ford up to speed already and let’s f!@#$% go!!!!!!! Smfh!!!!!!!

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