Detroit Lions react to Week 1 loss to Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Andrew Palmer

Patricia needs to be fired if we keep blowing 4th quarter leads

    Dmiller 1128

    He keep playing that prevent defense

J.S Army

No we blew a 17 lead no excuse other than we’re bad

    Maverick Kotsonis

    @Youcancallme Funk well depth only goes so far when u have 3 out 5 corners out 💀, not to mention your best 3


    All that calm talking Get MAD And Win Games ……..

    Youcancallme Funk

    @Maverick Kotsonis when 3 of your top 4 CBs are down that is when the depth is supposed to kick in

    Maverick Kotsonis

    @Youcancallme Funk who else in the entire league maybe ever can lose all there best corners, and some of the best corners in the entire league and be fine? Depth is important if 1 or 2 were out or if they need quality options ina pinch.

    Youcancallme Funk

    @Maverick Kotsonis ok buddy


The ONLY constant in this ENTIRE shitstorm are the damn Fords


New year, injuries already mounting. Why so many hamstring injuries? What kind of trainers do we have?


    Incompetent trainers

    macki's world


    Youcancallme Funk

    Sad part is they brought in a new strength and conditioning coach because of all the injuries last year

Owen Davison

STOP PLAYING CONSERVATIVE! Even if your up 28 points treat it like it’s the first drive of the game and go down and score as quickly as possible enough is enough

Mike K

Can you believe this guy makes more the every doctor you will ever see in a lifetime.

    Dicky Anderson

    @d . it was a doctor joke “buddy”

    Youcancallme Funk

    If doctors would just sell more tickets to live events they might be able to make more , I just dont see how an audience of one can compete in revenue

    d .

    Youcancallme Funk what’s better, preforming heart surgery and saving someone’s dads life in front of 0 people or catching a ball in front of a million?

    Youcancallme Funk

    @d . that’s neither here nor there. If you’re saying people should get paid for their jobs importance then the person who teaches the heart surgeon should be paid even more than either of them. What about stay at home moms they have to keep infants alive and they are sleep deprived maybe they should get a bunch of money. Seriously if you put any of it on TV it can make money . Ask octomom

    Youcancallme Funk

    @d . tell your parents they failed. Anyone who say the things you just said ,has to have parents that were absolutely failures.

Shane Kowalski 49

Offense should’ve been more aggressive offensively. Defense should have stepped up and we blew another 4th quarter lead cause of the stupid man defense we play that gets burnt 90 percent of the time

Fish Productions

Stop throwing screen passes on 3rd and 7

Larry Leadman

Lions has to score every Quarter not 3 and stop thats the coaching

Levi 420

Yes AP was spitin straight fx🤝

    Angelo Ljuljduraj

    AP is the goat

    Youcancallme Funk

    @Angelo Ljuljduraj not sure if he’s the goat, but the man is definitely a legend

    Kyle Robatto

    Hes tired of the bullshit. He NEEDS a ring

Trevor Reynolds

This is going to suck. Going through a new GM, coach and rebuild is brutal.

    Fight FISH

    Especially because they just finished building this team…

    T G

    Right. I don’t really want to see it happen, but this is actually a decent team we have this year. Hopefully this was a one off game and not how the season will go… this team should easily be an over .500 team. I don’t have faith they will be coached successfully to achieve that.

Noah Dunn

we dont deserve AP or Stafford

Dave Roberts

23-6 beginning of the 4th. Making Trubisky look like a H.O.Fer same old you know what! Get GB, Cardinals,Saints next 3 weeks. Then sadly will have a new interim Mgr.


AP took more responsibility for the loss than the coaches did and he was ballin 🤦🏽‍♂️


    Man I don’t think people really understand how sad that is🤦🏽‍♂️

Leudell Wesley

Ap look like he plays crazy

Zach Beauchamp

Epic heartbreaking loss that things so frustrating. I hope the Lions learn their mistakes real soon. I hope they beat the Packers and remaining games of the season!!! I’m way overtired of how the Lions give up good leads!!! These nonsense of giving up leads has to stop NOW! 😡 Let’s go at least 12-4 from this point forward!!!

Rodney Montgomery

I think AP was exactly what we needed, loved everything he said; tough loss we got three tough games ahead gotta move forward let’s go boys 🦁

Cad Bane


Ryan Demboski

I feel really bad for AP, he just wants to win and you can see that in him.

    larry joe

    You can see that in him he knows how to win.


here’s a game they’re going to wish that they had back when they’re pushing to make the playoffs later in the season. seems like i say the same thing after every loss.

how many times do the lions outplay their opponent for the majority of the game and then have a fourth quarter meltdown and blow it? the bears should not have won this game but here we are once again.

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