Texans & Chiefs Players Come Together for Moment of Unity Before Kickoff – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Regular Guy Fixes

Sounded like alot of booing… And NBC tried to turn the volume down on it at 55sec. They lose the treble and it’s muffled to wash out the booing…. Interesting…

    D C

    Devonta Draper there isn’t nearly as many racist people as you think the majority of people are just tired to see these career criminals being praised as victims killed by systematic racism when in reality you shouldn’t resist the police or steal a cops taser or reach for a knife or shoot at the police


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling


    @russell battiata generation stupid alert

    Free HongKong

    @russell battiata Social Justice is just Marxist Flavored Racism.

    Mike Graves



You call playing 2 separate National Anthems Unity? Sounds like the NFL and BLM want the nation divided.

    Cameron Lee

    They do want the nation divided. That’s how they keep their power. Educated people can see this.

    Action Jackson

    Cameron Lee Trump does love the uneducated

    Action Jackson

    Soul Brother big facts

    Soul Brother


    domagoj brkić

    @Jm31106 gaming 93% of all cops are good but you labeled them like everyone of them is racist and bigot and you use that as justification for rioting and looting. And all that white “privileged” people need is that super rich athletes and actors call them privileged. I am going to get brain cancer from your thoughts


You can’t call for unity after you play two national anthems…..

    Join The Black Parade

    If they played “Everything in its Right Place,” it would at least match the surreal nature of the world today


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling

    Connor Kenway

    D K E yikes man “go back to your ghetto and pretend to be oppressed” this is why people hate trump


    Good point


    Yoboi Boy Social Justice? Are you feeling oppressed? C’mon man

Jason Guthrie

I hear the fans booing

    Mitchell Brewer

    @23jakesmith23 It’s no racism that I see in my hood .Only on tv my whole life .The TV will not get ratings if they show the same thing happing to white people because we know that they do not just shoot them for color and same goes for the black people .Yall fools if you think it’s a color thing unless the color is green


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling

    shal vow

    George go ahead and explain that for me George

    shal vow

    Gamma Smash what’s divisive about that? I think you’re small minded if you see it that way.

    shal vow

    Judgmental fish As they should boo at the guy that yelled Trump 2020! I love to see the change of ideas of this great nation! BLM 🖤🖤#Biden2020

Joshua Jacobs

Sounded like booing before the muffled the sound

    EMMA ! 19 I WANT SЕЕХ !!!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!!



    Any one who booed is the real unamerican our flag/anthem shouldnt be used for advertisement…. yall are unamerican bring back respect for our flag- 4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for flag


    Cheeze Do you reply to every comment?


    @LStan05 stfu


Wtf??? I keep on reading about 2 national anthems?? Ahahahah what’s the other one?? They can’t be serious

    seamus blackwell

    D P well actually the troubles were about two groups living in the same country that were fighting over religion. It is pretty comparable. America is a lot more divided rn then we are but whatevs. How about the South African example? That seems to be very comparable

    D P

    @seamus blackwell I responded to your comment about division but youtube deleted it. So for short: if you look into who funds BLM and the goals of the leaders of BLM you’ll get the answer to why there is so much division and why they want that. BLM is a psyop IMO.

    seamus blackwell

    D P I, unlike a worrying amount of Americans, can distinguish between an organisation piggybacking on protests for political purpose and a civil rights movement


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling

    David Parkes

    @B Unfortunately that’s not the case. As shown by uhh certain comments here, the boo’s come from those who believe that players should just “shut up & play.” Nevermind how racist that is at its core.


9/11 is tomorrow, those “never forget” people lied. They just want to divide

    Myles Raymond

    Everyone thought police were HEROES after 9/11. Now people want to abolish them.

    Fred O

    Ok boomer

    APK Savage

    @Myles Raymond it takes 10 weeks to be licenced to carry a gun on a police force…… makes sense

    Its 3 months to be selected to training, to be a police man in the uk…..

    Armando De Los Santos

    @APK Savage and it takes zero training for drug addicts and thieves to become criminals yet it happens 100x more

    APK Savage

    @Armando De Los Santos yeah change the subject.. all you pricks can do is talk about something else when a point is brought up….

Dom Snow

They tried to hide the boos

    Derek Hershey

    Commies always try to Censor. It’s who they are.

    Kabob Brewster

    Gabriel Foley you saying it isn’t political doesn’t change the fact that it’s political.

    Michael Strom

    @shal vow look at how many laws are there are in regards to race and racism. It’s heavily political. Even if it wasn’t political it’s an extremely opinionated subject that has absolutely nothing to do with football.


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling

    shal vow

    Michael Strom Yeah there’s obviously laws against racism, that doesn’t mean it’s enough though. Racism/unity is not an opinion, if you choose to not like a group of people based on the color of their skin, that’s your PROBLEM not your opinion. The NFL is showing their support and unity for the movement just as other leagues and companies can do the same.


Are they booing?


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling


    @Albert De Castro wow!


    @Zack Amig after a few hundred years…..how can steps be made?


    @frostbite585 thank you


    @rilojenkins notice Mr Zack hasn’t answered this one! I’m sure he’ll bring up priors for justification

TotemPole Man

What’s the point of lowering down the audio if you can still hear audience booing at players regardless?


    Any one who booed is the real unamerican our flag/anthem shouldnt be used for advertisement…. yall are unamerican bring back respect for our flag- 4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for flag


    The TV crew did not know what to do – they tried turning down the level on the mics picking up the crowd to minimize it but the TV audience is smart enough to know what was going on.

    Gabe Howard

    People were booing because Americans dont buy the Marxist/communist left wing politically backed BLM movement that seems to have so many believing in. Hollywood, Atheletes, Owners of these teams are completely reading the American people wrong. They think that if twitter or facebook are behind BLM, they should be too. And that’s why this morning 126,000 season tickets are being voided by the occupants of those seats. That’s why the ratings for the game plummeted. 98% of America is NOT behind the hypocrisy of taking a knee for “racism” yet at the same time getting all happy and supportive of a racist native American mantra and tomahawk chop lol. Wake up, the 2% are trying desperately trying to mind fck the 98%. If you cant label every a Muslim a terrorist, then you cant label every cop a bigot. The fans of the sport, the people who buy the tickets and the merchandise and provide these players with millions DO NOT support using sports as a political platform.

    Scott Jones

    @S955US84 I think you’re imagining that.

    Gabe Howard

    Tyler Eifert had to get a special exemption from the NFL to honor a slain cop on his helmet. Yet they are backing BLM, a special national anthem for black people, taking a knee and staying in the locker room dishonoring the flag on the eve of anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. And there is a question as to why there was booing?

Rune Scape

South Park nails it everytime. Sarcastaball is a real thing now.


    @Goat Warrior Actually, Trey Parker and Matt Stone have stated Trump and his supporters are who they’re mocking.

    They think you’re dumber than PC people. It’s hilarious asf, because you’re too stupid to realize it.

    RO RO

    @Dave Acaisha Lol. Oh I know, I live in SoCal.

    Dave Acaisha

    @rpsyco If you go though all the seasons they mock everyone, no one is off limits

    Mike Graves


    Sega Dreamcast

    @rpsyco yeah because the constant meltdowns from PC Principal and Heather Swanson bullying his way against actual female athletes is soooooo “progressive”… right? 🤣


Who else heard trump 2020


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling

    flash orb

    @big earl whats wrong with soccer. Its legit the most popular sport in the whole world.

    big earl

    @flash orb soccer is alright but kinda a girly sport in the US

    flash orb

    @big earl I mean to the rest of the world, its consider a manly sport. The world cup has more views than both nba finals and the super bowl.

    big earl

    @flash orb no doubt I’m just saying its not nearly popular as nfl nba in the states. Except womens US soccer team is the shi* they are tremendous


This is edited. You can listen to the unedited clip here for comparison. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gevF90VqYI
They clearly turned down the ambient stadium noise in post production.


    The “TRUMP 2020” is quite loud in this one.


    @JarOfRats I know it’s very obviously edited. I wonder. If Trump was on the field and was booed would they edit that out?

    Scott Jones

    The clip you’ve posted here sounds edited, but more or less the same. In the link you posted you can hear extra hiss like someone turned up the volume. A TV broadcast maintains a pretty perfect signal to noise ratio. I work with sound editors for a living.


    @Scott Jones I watched the game live. You could clearly hear the boos as well as a chatter prior to the boos and a man yelling “Trump 2020”. I then came here to see it again and was shocked (well maybe not shocked) to find that the NFL had edited the audio to dampen the stadium noise and the booing during the “moment of unity”. I then posted a link that was much more true to the original audio I heard on the live tv broadcast. That is the precise timeline of events. I realize it is a matter of opinion, but I am 99% sure the NFL has deliberately and deceitfully edited the audio, and I don’t really care what you believe.

Juan Moreno



    Any one who booed is the real unamerican our flag/anthem shouldnt be used for advertisement…. yall are unamerican bring back respect for our flag- 4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for flag

    Big Brown Stain

    @Cheeze People were booing the kneeling players, not the flag.

    Bryan Hoit

    @Cheeze you do realize people in America have right to boo for any means, just like you have the right to disagree with the booing. That pesky 1st Amendment always getting in the way.


    @Bryan Hoit you are very right & I have my right to judge them, state the facts that prove their hypocrisy as well as their unamerican tendencys & spew my beliefs while showing the laws & constitutional ammendments that back up my patriotic beliefs

    Viktor V

    Jeez Man they are trying to get equality 😐 NFL would be nothing with black people

Hayden Skaruno

They pumped in fan noise to drown out the boos😂🤣


    Any one who booed is the real unamerican our flag/anthem shouldnt be used for advertisement…. yall are unamerican bring back respect for our flag- 4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for flag


    ​@Cheeze if you kneel for the flag or don’t pledge or sit in the locker room when the anthem is running like teams are doing, you are rude and disrespectfull and unamerican, you are disrespecting your country and disrespecting the troops who faught for us


    @daffie they didnt fight for the flag that’s changed over time or an anthem that was noticed in 1931 after WWI….they fought for the constitution bill of rights Freedom


    @daffie with freedom comes free choice & you can disagree but you have to respect thats what being an American really is…..I have family who have served this country since Vietnam to now so you cant tell me I dont respect the troops


    I really wish I could educate more people on this because it is ignorance & cause the civil unrest in America we see today we are seeing the country burn & its because people dont respect free choice the forefathers created this country to have a better life for ALL w/o forcing beliefs but just freedom to judge > tyrannical tendencys in the idea of, “this is what I believe so you have to believe to or you can’t live here peacefully” thats why there were not many laws created when America was created because the basis of America was Respecting the rights of others


2 National Anthems?

Yeah… Unity alright…

Gustavo Muniz

I could imagine what the stadium would sound like if it was packed.

    Eternal Darkness

    “Whatchu goneeee do boi!” 😂

    Derek Hershey

    The NFL and their thugs openly support Child Rapists. They had that child rapist’s name on their helmet

    Eternal Darkness

    Derek Hershey you have a b———lack name. 😂

    Casablanca Durant

    Imagine being offended by a moment of unity dedicated to equality 😂
    Giant snowflakes


    I think they were getting booed for NOT kneeling


“Thank you”


    Any one who booed is the real unamerican our flag/anthem shouldnt be used for advertisement…. yall are unamerican bring back respect for our flag- 4 U.S. Code § 8.Respect for flag

Amida Buddha

Would be nice to hear why people are booing. Like an interview with a person who did boo. And, let’s talk about the why the sound is muffled?

This is the whole point. Everyone is back to the way it was. No one talking, just reacting.

    Amida Buddha

    @Deb How so?

    Amida Buddha

    @Scott Jones Touche. I just felt it in the moment. My bad.

    Amida Buddha

    @Michael Strom True, it was for the ongoing fight for equality.


    @Scott Jones its better that there’s no flag anthem other sports should take note politics should not be intertwined in sports players should also protest on their own time

    Joshua Jones

    @Michael Strom equality of opportunity doesn’t exist when you look at school funding differences between predominately white and predominately black areas. https://www.usnews.com/news/education-news/articles/2019-02-26/white-students-get-more-k-12-funding-than-students-of-color-report In all actuality there is no equality of opportunity when the start lines are different. Equality of outcome as you mention is trying to pass off all blame for any and all problems they have to the individuals themselves with no recognition given to things outside of their control.


lmfao the edited cheering at the end im dead lmfao

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