“Lift Every Voice and Sing“ Alicia Keys performance w/ narration by Anthony Mackie – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Lonnie Nugget

Kinda getting annoying tho

    d’ante jamelle

    The great white hope is my President victim how? You sound stupid.

    Maya Redmond

    Too bad


    Agreed. Life was better without blm in football. No politics, just football.

    Randy Moss


    Brosky 1998

    Lmao You don’t say? Democrats hate America. They will lie to your face to fulfill their narrative. It’s disgusting

JR Jazz

HEY , NFL put your money where your mouth is .

    Luke Segars

    Malachi McDonald that’s racist

    Malachi McDonald

    Luke Segars how is that racist?


    @Malachi McDonald And what good does that do?

    Quincy Jackson

    @Malachi McDonald That’s actually very productive and great to hear. A lot better than donating to BLM orgs who don’t even post a breakdown of their finances anywhere.

    Frank da Tank

    @Malachi McDonald wher??

the nightmare god

who wants popcorn for the comments?


    Matthew Morton someone must of burned your popcorn 😂😂😂

    It’Z Ya Boy Bug-Z

    Was thinking same thing!

    ben franklin277

    why because popcorn is white, fascist

    Pomegranate Rising

    Seriously. I resisted the comments so i could enjoy the video first. Folks are trippin for absolutely no reason. Chill daddy chill

    CRUSAD3R 69



Nothing says unity like playing a seperate anthem just for black people

    Augustus Gloom

    Or start off with one about slavery have you heard the third verse…..

    User Name

    they want segregation back… hell at UM-dearborn a black professor set up “non-poc” and “bipoc” cafes for some social justice meeting.

    Kyle Clarke

    @Roachfat The Nostalgist yet still not as racist as BLM

    Kyle Clarke

    @Dat Active Guy hahahahaha you’re a joke


Ain’t this song about Abraham Lincoln (a republican) for when he freed the slaves? If so, wierd…

    Evin Fields

    I000deaths the party’s did switch I learned that in 5 grade


    It’s a church hymn to God who leads people out of tribulation.

    Augustus Gloom


    blue cars

    @John Doe that’s been debunked numerous times. no big switch..sorry

    NH 28

    John Doe Poor Blacks have been voting solidly Dem Party for 60 years and guess what they’re still poor 😂😂

Kim Kasdo

Imagine having a different “national anthem” for every skin color in America…

Seems kind of ridiculous for a COUNTRY to play multiple “national anthems”…

We want to stop racism from existing, but we continue to separate everyone by skin color, ensuring we segregate our anthems? Wtf?


    And OP are the types of people we are fighting against

    Augustus Gloom

    It’s a nice song and it talks about liberty…….

    Glazed Donut

    Crow Eater just remember, this November California (a Democrat super majority run state) will have a referendum on removing state civil rights legislation from the state constitution.

    Eric Ciaramella

    This is what Civil War is for. The Confederates had their own Anthem. Im ready to start right now. Luckily Blacks know to stay out of my area.

    Eric Ciaramella

    @Christo Bobbo Yes Jews in the bible had slaves. Were White tho. You confused? Whites and Jews arent the same race. Israel says so by using DNA tests to determine entry into their racist ethno-state.

West Texas Oil

As a black man this doesn’t make me feel unified with the rest of the country. This song makes me feel like I’m not equal. I’m also in a interracial marriage. Am I not supposed to be ?

    Stephen Alan

    @Top5NoQuestions Same question to you broski. How does a song make you not feel equal? If it shouldn’t make him feel unequal then the original national anthem shouldn’t make you feel unequal. It’s just a song afterall.

    Eric Ciaramella

    Ask Blacks.

    NH 28

    No you shouldn’t be because your wife is only with you to satisfy her racial fetish. Give it a few years until she’s bored and she’ll divorce you for a white man

    NH 28

    Top5NoQuestions Lets just go back to segregation would it be so bad ?

    Abigail Jones

    why are you with someone outside your race any particular reason?? when kids are involved its worse as they have to pick a side


this is absolute BS. I’ll never stand for this. THE NATIONAL ANTHEM includes EVERY race. It does not matter our race we are all american. ONE NATION UNDER GOD. This is just propaganda garbage to divide us as a country even more.

    Derek Hershey

    The Marxist Left SEGREGATES everything.

    Augustus Gloom

    Have u heard the third verse of the national anthem not very uniting………


    @Augustus Gloom Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight

    CRUSAD3R 69

    Could not have said it better

    Curtis Rossiter jr

    No it doesn’t. Check the FULL USA national anthem, not something very inspirational for slaves or the descendants of slaves. Lift every Voice has been our anthem for around 100 years.

Ben Chode

Who’s unsubscribing? Who’s downvoting?


    Chef Apex



    Who doesn’t care? The NFL and this guy!

    Ben Chode


    Lame attempt…

    try again, I’ll pretend I didn’t read your last failure of a comment.

    Make it good… I’ll wait..

    Freedom B

    Was never subscribed. I came because the lyrics express faith in God. If it wasn’t used to segregate it’d be a good song.

    John Fuentes

    @Freedom B True dat.

Colby Garrow

What’s funny is that Democrats were the ones that had slaves

    Mister Ling

    There was no “great shift.” Well established republicans in the north moved south and democrats moved north in search of a better life.

    Laura Adams

    @Peter Irungu dude, blacks owned slaves as well.🙄🙄

    Laura Adams

    @Jane Daniel they support history, not slavery.

    Laura Adams

    @99onone BLANK I never said that, wtf you talking about?🙄🙄

    Keith Jones

    You must be the dumbest and most poorly educated guy in the country if you don’t know that the Dixie Democrats were the Right Wing Conservatives during that period, and the Republicans were the Liberal Progressives…and they eventually switched parties. Come on man…Get yourself educated.


Netflix was getting all the attention, but you don’t like that.


I’m kneeling in protest

    Noe Trevino

    Are you kneeling because you’re the baphomet? Is this the Nexus of the universe

Austin Brooks

And here we are placing African-Americans into their own little group and treating them as if they are not equals. We are all Americans. We are all equal and we need to stop dividing everybody up.

deadsquirrel69 clark

This movement is never going to succeed until everybody steps the hell away from BLM there are Marxist radical violent group


Replace the national anthem.. there is a word for that. and it’s treason.

Vladimir Putang

Good bye NFL- racial divide should not be tolerated on any level and that’s exactly what they are doing !

Mitch Huber

“The white liberals, who have been posing as our friends, have failed us. The white liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the black man… White liberals are those who have perfected the art of selling themselves to the black man as our ‘friend’ to get our sympathy, our allegiance and our minds. The white liberal attempts to use us politically against white conservatives, so that anything the black man does is never for his own good, never for his advancement, never for his own progress, he’s only a pawn in the hands of the white liberal.”

-Malcolm X

    patrick talamantes

    Hate versus hate won’t get us anywhere.

Tom Inu

It’s a wrap…… Straight off the NFL time to watch woman’s golf


This is Pure blind racism

Angel Tait

IWILL NEVER EVER STAND FOR THAT!!!! You people don’t want to move forward in any direction. Your proving that every day.

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