‘It’s great seeing the support around the building’: Simmons on the Broncos’ Inspire Change program – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Bryan ReyesMarquez



We need the confidence more than ever

    Christian Martinez

    Tough schedule tho

Jerome Schulze

For us to win now the df os going have to step up even more.. Or find someone who they can replace miller.. Make a trade kalil mack!! Or go get miles mack


    the killing of dreams begins in ….3….2….1….

    Jerome Schulze

    @MrAdamNTProtester sutton hot hurt today..shoulder..could be out

Vince Mazzola

Why the Broncos don’t have signed to a long term deal is a mystery to me. If he leaves, Elway needs to go with him.


    They tried what do you want Elway to do put a gun to his head… blame the agents they are the one’s looking to get a big payday & not even care if the contract is fulfilled… in all of Elway’s years this is the 1st time a player went to Franchise tag… give it a rest

Ron Weber

Hopefully 11yr old Cartier Carey could be introduced to Simmons, so he can know what a real leader and man looks like.

Michael Crabtree

More motivation to win…let this season be dedicated to von miller…the veteran who has leadership qualities. Gotta step up and be more intense and do all you can to win!!


    other commentor posted: at end of season when hoisting SB: “this one’s for VON”

Carey - Let's Get Acquainted

1:52 astounding


    let’s not: 1:52… trolling


Talib = 1st Ballot HOF for sure… thanks Aquib you were the BEST


Simmons = high character dude… thanks for being a BRONCO Justin please be a BRONCO for LIFE

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