Miami Dolphins QB Ryan Fitzpatrick Press Conference | September 8, 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Nathan Hancock

Obligatory First, and gotta love Fitz

Mitch mac

Looks like a second mans living his best life in his beard

Marcellus Sinclair

I must admit, I used to be a big skeptic of Mr. Fitzpatrick, relative to his physical skills. When he played at Buffalo, I would get excited because I thought it would be an easy win for the Dolphins. Yeah, not so much! Now I see he does indeed have wonderful talent and he can certainly get his teammates fired up! I’m really excited for Fitz and the entire team in 2020. Go Fins!

Lifeisagamble Elbmagasiefil

He looks like he’s 28 fresh cut now go play like it fins up

successful excellent

The press is beginning to ask the kinds of questions that it has no business asking, and I’m glad that Figz called them out on it πŸ‘

Kaydee Cobb

Need lovely πŸ˜πŸ’‹ πŸ’πŸ’–β€οΈ

Miles Togo

When asked about last year to this year at this time…huge smile…read into the nuances…he’s excited to have a running game.

Finfan4lyfe Dude

Big Fan of you Fitz, give them hell! Condolences and prayers to u and your family

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