Press Conference – Jack Del Rio – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Robert Lane

Not downplaying what Coach Rivera is going through but my dad has the same exact issues and it’s all about getting it checked and the particles of skin that are deemed to be possibly cancerous, then they pretty much cut or remove that skin.


Go Burgundy! Stay healthy!

Shaun Lowe

Yeah we’re gonna use Mickisic and Gibson as all around backs 20% of the time will use them as 3rd down back 30% of the time. Ah Peyton will get bout 5-10% of the power back plays. And Love will be the main power back about 40-45% of the plays. We’re gonna run 50-60% of our plays and pass the rest. We have a detailed breakdown of all the plays and percentage of times they’ll be used week 1 will be handing out to all the media at the end of today’s press conference.

King Drizzy

“A lot of hof went undrafted” I like that statement💪🏾💪🏾

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