Stand for Social Justice | NFL Hard Knocks Los Angeles – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Z panneR

Just play the damn game

    Bill Woo

    @Micah G. No, we PAY them for it. Like we pay white athletes for it. Like we PAY musicians to entertain us. Color is irrelevant.
    But we can always stop paying. Go ahead. Run your paying public away. We have other places to spend our money.

    Micah G.

    Bill Woo “shut up and dribble, “just play the game” when they talk about social issues but are “fans” when they play

    Bill Woo

    @Micah G. THEY’RE BEING PAID TO PLAY A GAME. Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
    How can that POSSIBLY not compute?
    And then, after people have paid you, you want to lecture them on their value system?
    Yeah. Good luck with that. Maybe on Planet Neptune.

    Dee Bee

    @Shenanigans Nuts They make waaaaayyy more than you putz


    Shenanigans Nuts sorry buddy freedom of speech


Why the half of the people wear mask and the other dont

    Brokey 711

    Probably preference



Legacy 2901

After the election if Biden and the democrats win you won’t hear anything about any of this anymore it’ll all just dissipate

    cards AZ42 Yt

    So true


    @†RVSTY TEVSPOON† Let’s hope!!!

    Alex B

    Exactly, it’s all about the election

    Black Lives Matter Kiss My A55

    So are cops going to stop killing civilians if he wins? Because that’s the only way I will stop talking about it.

    Derrick Smith

    Biden wont win trust me.all those pole numbers are bs

Jacob Padilla

Rams vs. Chargers


Y’all probably should have said kneel for social justice….


    They are using black people again to fulfill political goals, they want equality when they are black people making millions like wuuuuttt

    Timothy C.

    Kneel & pray… how about that?

    Sam G

    That’s what I call my nether regions. Now kneel for social justice and get your just desserts.

MagmaPlayer craig

can we just play football OMG. Without making it political SMH 🙄


    0 political. It is not polical. It is about treating black people with respect. That is not political it should be basic. omg.

    NYLA ! 22 y.o I WANT SЕЕХ !!! OPEN MY VIDEO !!!


    Black Lives Matter Kiss My A55

    @Darkghost No. Now either watch it or don’t. No one cares.


    @G-Rett 4 54 “sYstEmIc rAcIsM iS oVeR” I guess you’ve never heard of the injustice in the criminal justice system, huh?

    Black Lives Matter Kiss My A55

    @G-Rett 4 54 Why do you spew false numbers which have already been debunked and lacks context?

john hoskins

XFL: thanks for free advertisement

Wagner Rezende

Stand for the Cameras, Clowns.


Get woke go broke, boycott the nfl

    Sam G

    Ryzen funny because the NBA is tanking in its ratings despite conservative shows wrecking shop.

    Broken Leg

    @Sam G and? The nba was trash before all of this.

harry dixson

This makes everything worse.

    guy asbury

    I know the best way to at least try to end racism is to stop talking about it worrying about it and thinking about it that’s the best way to end racism.


    @guy asbury Yes, that’s a good way to end INDIVIDUAL racism. The “rasicim” that people usually refer too is systemic racism.

Stephen W

Race baiting.

    guy asbury

    Morgan Freeman did an interview back in 2008 and the guy asked how do we end racism and Morgan Freeman responded and said stop talking about it. Go watch it if you don’t believe me.

Housin' Authority

Stick to football

Nathan Slay

This is horrible!! I wish this crap could stop!! This social justice crap needs to stop!!!

Acquired Immunity

Is this a show about football?

Goblin Foru

The arena aint even gonna be half full

    Super gamer Boy

    Ikr the chargers games will be like 12 percent filled


Do something then NFL..#NFLDropEA

Michae Thomas

These privileged players just love to show off their myopic view of the world. The only player in the NFL sending a truly “brave” message is Tyler Eifert. The rest are weak capitulators who will never do anything but bow before the mob on social media.

    George Coull

    Mike Tomlin doesn’t pander and didn’t let the Steelers kneel except for prayer

Alex Chambers

When you put a modifier on the word “Justice” it’s no longer about justice

Conservative Dad

So many dislike 🤔 wonder why? When you stop letting facts become truth. All lives matter ✊🏾 including the cops that serve and protect. Risking their lives every day.


    they signed up to be shot at black people didnt

John Wilkes Booth

Remember when sports was an escape from problems

    Andrew Lale

    Communists have to have their politics everywhere all the time. You can’t drive down the street, eat in a restaurant or work a day in the office without being bombarded with their politics.

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