Ledarius Mack on learning from Khalil | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Alex Guzman

Yuhhh really hope this man makes the roster

lil 4 off Augusta

Give him a year he gone be a beast

    J Dolo

    How you figure???

That Ninja E!

Little Mack. Let’s go!

#1 Juggy

Lil mack🧡

Khemus 4

I knew they were going to be the lame reporters they are and ask all questions about his brother

Lenoir Norris

He will make the team

Larry Daniel

Little mack! Got high hopes for my bear family,seems right that he is here. Double Mack attack!!! IT Sucks that every question is bout big Mack…hope little Mack makes a name for himself…Bear Down 20-21

DaLegacy Gaming

Hope he makes it. Sucks most of the questions were involving Khalil

J Dolo

Big mack jr.

Te Bobo

The NFL has this strange success rate of brothers playing in same league. It’s rare to see family members on the same team. He’s no khalil Mack, but he might be the closest thing to him.

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