Browns Live: Defensive Standouts Spotlight – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Garrett Roberts

Dawg check

Serge Bawa


Rob reviews Tech

I wish that athletes would leave politics out of their place of work. Politics don’t belong in sports and it’s ruining the want to watch.

    Jd Franklin

    Rob reviews Tech um.. “politics” and “social justice” couldn’t be farther from the same things.the fact that people like YOU politicize social injustice for a whole race of human beings is disgusting,u have ,y permission to stop watching sports 👍

Jd Franklin

@rob reviews tech..stick to your day job…

Preston Melkerson

Does anybody know the timeline for Mack Wilson? Week 3 or so?


    4-5 weeks

Mark Bowman

My hairstylist was wearing her Josh Cribbs shirt this weekend here in Denver. We were talking about how we all still love you @cribbs

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