The Time for Change is Now | Seahawks Daily – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

The Time for Change is Now | Seahawks Daily reporter Jackie Montgomery reports on the Seahawks canceling practice on Saturday to instead talk about social justice issues. Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll delivers an inspiring press conference on the topic.

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Tommy Versace

First go hawks ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š

Blaze 831

Seahawks nation ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š

Hector Carranza

hey brotherโ€™s and sisterโ€™s

Charlie Hendrickson

Seahawks are the best

Monk Master

Go hawks

Jason Mckibbin

I love our coach, best we’ve EVER had.

    Tobias Y




    Solar Flexer 2


    Hawo Shire



Iโ€™m proud to call Pete Carroll our head coach ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™ #GoHawks

Hector Carranza

This is the best coach

Hawks Fan

Thank You coach!!!!! I stand with you shoulder to shoulder!!!!!


I honestly lost a lot for Pete Carroll after the Super Bowl loss to the Patriots but after what he said today after watching the seven or eight minute interview on my NFL app I gained 100% respect for him keep it real

    Tucker O'Neal

    Pete didnโ€™t make the call the Seahawks fired the guy who called the play

    Josh Norman

    @Tucker O’Neal we fired him 3 years later after the loss

Archer Johnson

Pete is the best coach!


Love Our Brothers, Love Our Coach!

Andrew Nguyen

The Best Coach Ever ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š

Penny Octuck

Love you Coach Carroll!! And all of our Guys! Seahawks!!! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿˆ


Well stated PC ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

Fred Cruz

Thank you Coach!!!

AJ Publishing E-Book Service

Thank you Pete Carroll I just came to tears and I just keep watching you over and over … It breaks my heart to hear you understand black people pain and fear … We were brought here and made to be slaves like a animal … and like you said … slavery has never ended for Black People … and then you have people that get up set that Black People want stand for the American Flag … Now I hope and Prey That All White People Final Understand What Black People Have Had To Live With and Still Live With Everyday of Our Life … My Clearest memory of my childhood is countless times my Mom read newspaper articles about the mistreatment of Black People and My Mom Read those newspaper articles as religiously as she read the bible to me and my brothers and sisters … I was blessed too have a strong mother who raise me and said ” I am preparing you for the real world” … as a young child I did not fully understand it at first … but the minute I walk out of door of my safe home I fully understood what she meant and when I had my first day in the military … I can tell you this … I can not speak for other Black People … I ask myself how have lived threw 401-years of pain, suffering and fear … first it been by the Blessing of Our Heavenly Father and second it was because I had a strong single parent mother who was my role model … and she always talked about my black people history and accomplishment … I took Black History in high school and Made straight “A’s” for the first time in any subject … school was very hard for me and learning but my Mom gave me the confidence in myself that I could never fail unless I fail to try … I now have 2-associate degree, many military awards and I am retired military … I accomplish all of this and more from the blessing of our heavenly Father and my Mother … and my sisters and brothers and many other people … but I have also lived with fear everyday of my life and still do … Thank You Pete Carroll … Thank You Pete Carroll


Ironic a sports channel ignores actual stats.

James Madison

Love my white privilege. Everything handed to me on a silver platter, no hard work, no sacrifice, no bother with education or learning, why when I’m white? I go to restaurants and get free food…because I’m white! Car dealership? Free car because…yep, I’m white. Great job because…no merit, but…I’m white! Yeah, no problems with police, ever! And…Michael Jordan is successful due to being black not from his hard work or work ethic!

Seahawks won’t hire me for defensive lineman as I’m old, short, white, no talent, no skills. Something about they only hire for merit and character not my skin color! Why aren’t we diverse? We need blue haired, obese, gender confused person (white or black or even brown) to play football! Merit? WE don’t hire for merit in AMERICA anymore. It is all about lowering standards so any idiot can work at any job. Inclusive via lowered standards!

No more pro sports as YOU folks are ALL about identity politics and don’t care about the people at all. Join Gillette and Nike…go woke.
Merit hires, like in sports? Can’t have that!


    Lmao bye


So thankful for Pete, and am so grateful he’s our coach. Can’t wait to see the player interviews, and what their reactions were to his message. I imagine this hit deep, and was appreciated, not only to our players, but nearly all of the other players around the league. Probably will attract a lot of others to want to come play for Coach Pete in the coming seasons! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

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