Simmons on combatting social injustice: ‘We need to see action. We need to see change’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
kois kois


kois kois

Jacob Blake tried to get a gun to shoot the officers.

    kois kois

    @Higher Learnings then what was he going to do with the gun?

    Kevin Jones

    It was a knife I believe but still. The dude was a violent piece of trash who got what he asked for. COMPLETELY justified shooting.

    Kevin Jones

    @Higher Learnings Ironic.

    Higher Learnings

    @Kevin Jones Sad how you think the cop was justified to shoot someone 7 times in the back.

    kois kois

    @Higher Learnings seven times was too much ill give you that, but they’re not wrong to shoot, and he didn’t die. he got paralyzed and it’s his fault

Connor Mack

A little due process would be nice, thought we lived in America.

n j

Brandon Marshall 2.0. Don’t resign this over rated whiny baby

ernest roybal

Keep politics and social justice out of sports.

    Kevin Jones

    @Higher Learnings A positive change by standing up for violent criminals and terrorists and condemning the police trying to maintain law and order? That is just about the most negative and regressive possible message you could have.

    Higher Learnings

    @Kevin Jones No, i am condemning police using excessive force, especially towards Black people. Don’t twist my words to fit your narrative.

    Kevin Jones

    @Higher Learnings No you aren’t because that factually doesn’t happen. You support violent criminals and terrorists. Shame on you.

    Balling_ Edits_17

    @Kevin Jones why officers are killing innocent black people and if you support that your sloppy

    Kevin Jones

    @Balling_ Edits_17 If you reach for a weapon you’re not innocent. Period.

Nia Bull

Nice 36:14 🍌🍌🍌🍌

Mike Williams

I thought Denver fans were the best, these comments make me think otherwise

Mike Williams

These comments I’m sure will be the foreshadowing to the downfall of America in more ways than one, Americas past will catch up to it, nothing last forever

    Orange Crush


Higher Learnings

Broncos Country supports the Broncos players and organizations decisions. We got to weed out all the Bigots. Thank you Justin Simmons for using your fame to better peoples lives!

    Higher Learnings

    @Kaleo KI Well their peaceful protest in Denver has helped pass laws doing away with qualified immunity for police officers as well as body cameras and other reform. They are not supporting felons with their protests, they are trying to stop the use of excessive force by police especially towards Black people. A Policeman is not trained to be or supposed to be judge, jury, and executioner. Broncos players contribute greatly to the community, do some research.

    Kaleo KI

    Why would you not want body cameras on police officers? That would let us know what happened from a personal level. What would you do if you were one of those cops trying to apprehend Jacob Blake and he went in his car to grab something? Wouldn’t you think he was grabbing a weapon to beat or even kill you with? What about white people that experience police brutality? Or Mexicans that experience excessive force from police? Or just the other races? It’s not just African Americans. White people die from police confrontations more than African Americans. All these protests and riots are racist cause they have all been triggered by police confrontations with African-Americans. Don’t you agree?

    Higher Learnings

    @Kaleo KI I meant to say as well as getting body cameras for police officers. Yes body cameras are well needed!

    Higher Learnings

    @Kaleo KI Yes, everyone experiences police brutality, so don’t you think its a problem that needs fixing? Unfortunately Black people are getting shot and killed/choke to death with excessive force more when they are unarmed. People are trying to pass laws and regulations that benefit everyone, not just Black people.

    Higher Learnings

    @Kaleo KI Wouldn’t you say the players have bettered peoples lives now?

Mike Williams

Be you a darker pigment YOU WILL be vilified in many of these scenarios and these comments reflect these sentiments and sad people don’t care to do the proper research and instead follow fox news headlines and misinformed individuals to formulate a justified agenda, when in REALITY and in a HUMANE SOCIETY no one deserves to be done wrong in that way

    Orange Crush

    I think you need to do some research, because everything he said was incorrect!

    Hydraulic Press To The Balls

    Orange Crush give examples then

    Hydraulic Press To The Balls

    Kevin Jones how?

    Mike Williams

    @Kevin Jones tell me how I’m ill informed, enlighten me with your “wisdom”

    Mike Williams

    @Orange Crush what research do you speak of? Are we talking propaganda or factual evidence?

Whats Knew

Really, all these racist comments but you delete my comment? Really? Nothing I posted was false. Email me on why you deleted my comment. These racist needed to see every word I posted. The fact that it rubbed you some kinda way is evidence it needed to be seen. Refute one sentence in that comment or put it back up.


I think this bill about police accountability is fine. I think it’s good for players to speak up about things that bother them. But what bothers ME is a rush to judgment, assuming that the police did something wrong, that the felon should have been treated as a “citizen” who was doing nothing wrong. And that the cause of this incident was motivated by race. I want the facts to get out before judgment is made.

Kaleo KI

He had warrant for his arrest and his baby momma called the cops….why would she do that? Plus Kyle is getting charged first degree murder for using his 2nd amendment right to protect himself. Be smarter than this bro. Tell the truth.

    Higher Learnings

    Wow.. you are defending the terrorist who traveled to Kenosha with an illegal gun and shot and killed 2 people. GTFOH that was premeditated murder.

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