Kevin Stefanski: “We want to stand for what’s right” | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Zach Maggard

Already taking the right step as head coach….keep it up, Coach


Criminalize hate speech? Who decides what hate speech is? Lmao

    Matt White

    Jewish Supremacists

    Matt White

    If you’re white and advocate anything less than the complete dispossession of your people and destruction of your history = hate speech


Remove politics from sports. Absolutely not interested in rich sports elitist lecturing me while taking my cash. Play sports that’s what you are paid to do otherwise go be a politician or cop.

    Dale Bishop

    Remove the REASON WHY there needs to be politics in sports. Stop using your elitist attitude by trying to tell people what to do with their lives. Pick up a ball and get drafted if you are against what they are doing.

Tiah Avila

Good. I wait for love from you 💝💖

kevin wiseman

How about you stick to the browns and let the world deal with the junk going on there. I dont care what browns employees or players think politically, I dont watch football to get tower of wisdom type sage advice. Half these guys cant say their name much less spell it. When you blurr the lines between what your fans are there for and what you are expected to deliver to these fans, you overstep and overexaggerate your relationship with your fans

Rj S

God bless the police
God bless police military for protecting freedoms.
BlLM and Antifa communists
Don’t know what’s coming for them
We will show them how much we love freedom

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