Jason McCourty: “As players, we are lost” | Patriots Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Storm Trooper

Did you talk about the FACTS of the case?

    Mickey Finn

    Facts!! They don’t need no stinkin facts!!! Fact!!

    Storm Trooper

    Mickey Finn am I wrong?

    Mickey Finn

    Storm Trooper not since I’ve known you!! Fact!

    Allan Greenson

    True no reason to protest

    Storm Trooper

    Mickey Finn love you man lol

Boo Radley

What the heck is he talking about? TB12 leaves and the Team falls apart? Why no outrage about the dozens and dozens of Blacks in Chicago murdering each other with the police, mayor and governor doing NOTHING about it? Is everyone blind to the fact that this entire racial strife is totally astro-turfed, that BLM and Antifa are being funded by George Soros and like the fake impeachment, fake Russian collusion is just the Democrats desperately trying to stop the re-election of Trump?

Ted K

Always starts with someone foolishly and dangerously resisting arrest. Blake was not supposed to be at that home, he had been arrested previously for violent crimes including sexual abuse and weapons charges…..he had an active warrant. He was fighting the cops and had been tazed, news today is he had a knife in the car driver-side. Folks need to let the facts and judicial process play out, this is insanity. Having said that I don’t know why an officer doesn’t just shoot 1-2 times vs. 7-8. But again, these always start with a criminal resisting arrest, and usually lengthy record. And lastly, sports is entertainment, we get enough news, social and political discussion everywhere else. These interviewers should stick to sports, this isn’t CNN.

    Storm Trooper

    Two things can be right at the same time. Blake should have obeyed then law an the cop didn’t need to shoot 7 time. Joe Biden would have said shoot him in leg

    Mickey Finn

    Storm Trooper I fought the law and the law won!! Behavior must improve now

Storm Trooper

9:41 tell them not to fight the cops and call you when they get to the station like any other parents white black or brown. This isn’t hard people. When does personal responsibility come into play. It’s Election year!


If the guy had been shot by some gang hoodlum it wouldn’t be given a second thought. But because it’s by a police officer, it’s wrong and disheartening..smh

    Storm Trooper

    David Dorn!

Luis M

Just entertain me, boy.

    Allan Greenson


Jeff Neilson

I can’t stop working at my job because of this stuff! So why should you. You make millions..do your job!

    Andrew Totman

    You are a nobody sir. It’s comparing apples and oranges. Corporations and the government don’t care about the everyday tax payer. They care about national embarrassment in an election year. Weather you agree or not policies are and will be changing. You need to stop thinking just about yourself.

    Mickey Finn

    Let it be!! Playing is the solution!

    Jeff Neilson

    Sorry Andrew I disagree. Sports has always been a way unify people. Baseball brought us together during WWll. That’s the problem there mixing sports with politics and if they are smart they will realize people will stop watching. Then all the owners and players will see they screwed up. No more money for all of them.

Jeff Neilson

No one is watching NBA because of this crap. Us Americans use sports to leave reality. But now your the noise don’t want. Just play and earn your millions your paid!

    Classified Chappy

    This is exactly why right now I’m withdrawing watching sports because of this problem.

    Allan Greenson

    Not watching sports again

    Storm Trooper

    I’m not watching but the NFL is like crack to me sorry I’m hooked

All in one

Your channel is really inspiring because it inspired to create my own channel. Thank you for inspiring. Thanks a loooooot

Shakira Bryant

I need boyfriend 💋💋💋💋💋💞💞💞💞



Andrew Totman

I can’t speak for somebody unless I’ve walked in there shoes. As a combat veteran I’ve felt like I was in a place where I’m not wanted. It kills me my fellow Americans are feeling like that at home.

Dylan D

The guy had a knife and has domestic battery former gun charges and had a warrant. People are tuning out. The media lies and is irresponsible for creating click bait for cash. I’m sick of it and done with it

Mike Merrion

frozen 2 trailer

Allan Greenson

These big babies need to have a big celebration rally because Country’s been so good to them. Making millions of dollars.

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