Aaron Rodgers: ‘I Grew Up Playing Sports…I Never Saw Color, It Was Just My Friends’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Kayden Karr


Rainbow Smiley


keith james



smart man

enrique sanchez


non melinated person

BLM isn’t just about racism and police brutality…take a look at their mission statement, and their what we believe section.

    Ricardo Vera

    non melinated person very dangerous. We must all learn to listen to facts and actual knowledge. Really read what they stand for. These are important times and we all have to get involved. Myself first and foremost

Nets Szn

Rodgers looking at his 2010 film is kinda scary👁

Mateo Carlos

Racism was created by the Mainstream Marxist Media in order to divide us, weaken us, and make sure they can put a puppet back in the white house that will quietly move us towards Communism. Every other take is incorrect.


    Ok mateo carlos

    Zack Zepezauer

    Lol you’re so dumb

Abigayle Knights

Lovely 😍💋 💝💖❤️

Sam Nichols

Aaron walking on eggshells Rodgers

    2 Cool 4 U

    You ain’t lying

Jessie Wells

Why can’t I just hear about football

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