#BroncosCamp Daily Recap: Lessons from live-contact reps – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
P-Man Soa

nice, kinda good news on tdavis but we’ll see. lets go boys keep grinding

Phil Heather

Sydney Jones


I am so happy to se Vic back again, & looking slender , & looking fit. ——–Just having so many of the AC’s back this year is such a huge boost for this team, it’s impossible ot overstate continuity . Now, I know that we again have a new OC & QBC , but getting 2 experienced, proven coaches together in Shurmur & Shula, is already paying off, & it will continue to. I still see both coming here as one of THE most under reported &yet, significant stories of this past off-season. Both had multiple offers to go together or separately, to at least 5 other organizations. That we landed both ——–was just an enormous coup, & will pay off for Drew, & the entire team. ————–Good news about # 51 ! THE most underrated, under appreciated member of this entire team, Todd Davis is crucial to our “D”, & I am so relieved ! ———Frustrating about KJ ; chronic hamstring issues usually come about because of a lack of proper attention to stretching correctly, & /or, over-use injury. In either case, I recommend Mr KJ starts listening to those who know, instead of talking . That he pay real attention to proper stretching, & avoid over-use. We need him ! ————He needs to be out here ! Failing to take care of his body cheats everyone
!! ————-Finally, oh my, how grateful am I that we do not have any media-seeking prima donnas ! Vic won’t allow it, # 7 won’t have it, & our most noted players, # 3 & # 58, are unselfish, hard-working team mates ! —————–WolfSky9, 73 y/o

    white truth

    Damn….get a life dude.


    you’re a very strange person

Chris S

No preseason for our offense and 2nd year stud QB. Its going to be interesting to see how we start the season. I’m sure the defense will be fine.

    Kaulana Luke

    Its the same for every other team as well which is good 👍

    K J

    I wouldn’t call him a stud quite yet. He hasn’t proven anything.

Jeremy Hazard

These 2 reporters are so exciting, there’s probably 1/2 a personality between them 😴


Sad that liberal governors won’t let fans in.

Jerome Schulze

How things are in the nba no pressure.. Will be the same way in nfl.. It will be boring with no fans

Brian G. Ellman

And Yes we appreciate you guys for giving us a taste of what’s going on on a daily basis. !!

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