Bolles: ‘Our fans are some of the best fans in the country. They deserve the best football’ – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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I have faith in Bolles.

    Jordan England2

    I do too

Lucca Reis

Love the attitude! This is his year


I’m rooting for this kid and I have been from day 1. Keep working hard GB and good luck this season

Higher Learnings

Im rooting for Bolles too! He’s going to have his best year!

Tommy Trask

“Some of the best fans in the country” ???



Wardell McCarthy

Dam dude!! I’ve never hated on Garrett! He’s a great guy on and off the field!!🔥 dont sleep on my guy!

    HickSpanic Rambo Jr?

    Yeah I want us to get a good return for our investment.


Make or break year for Bolles, he has a fightin chance

Jose Ramos

I’m rooting for bows so cal bronco fan

Whats Knew

I have been down on Boles since he got drafted. A team that wanted to run first drafted a undersized older pass blocking tackle defying all logic. Only to find out pass blocking was not his strength. That blew my mind and I have yet to recover. I hope he does well but I am still confused when pondering the pick.

LeeRoy Jenkins

The only reason your still here is because Elway drafted you high in the first round and he’s had too many first rounders flop, the fans hate you, your the most hated bronco since I can even remember

    Mike Williams

    Rahiem Moore might have something to say about that

Mike Who

Let’s go bro , I have faith in you. Past is just that!

Michael Crabtree

Yes we are the best fans in the country….go broncos!!!

Kenneth Patterson

Love this guy. Hate when “Fans” give him grief.

    Jake the Outdoorsman

    Kinda hard not to give the guy grief when he’s had 32 ridiculous penalties. Kinda hard to start a drive when it’s 1st & 20

Off Roader

Let’s get it Bolles. You’re gonna tear it up I know it!


Bolles was playing good with Drew at the helm towards the end of last year, hope he can pick up where he left off.

Jake the Outdoorsman


Gabriel E

Best ability is availability. For as much as people complain about him he is usually the best tackle we have on the field.

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