Wyche, Sebastian Joseph-Day, Chief Pratt, & Terrell Davis Roundtable NFL Network – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Subbing To Everyone Who Subs To Me

“Don’t lie who else doesn’t want to go back to school?😇”

(ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ)💚

    C H

    I don’t.

    ZCH C

    I subbed

    Blackthorn 461

    ZCH C he’s lying he doesn’t actually sub to everyone who subs to him, it’s just a way to get subscribers.

    C H

    @Blackthorn 461 oh

Fingering Things ✔️

I love this series, keep it up NFL!

Paul Mezey-McMahon


ShaggyB ツ


Varsity ClipsYT


Keith Cousins

My most recent uploads are why…YEAH.

The sports Yg

I don’t wanna see TD after he predicted the packers to go 6-10

    Keith Cousins

    That’s why Kirk got that contract extension way back in March.



Heavy metal


Brendan Kelby


    Brendan Kelby


Winter :]

Me: About to get on zoom call
NFL: No watch this instead 🙂

    Keith Cousins

    Well, you can still understand every single word Brian says to Stewie more than two decades later.

Shane The Goat

Stay everybody 🙏🏾 god bless


NFL if you really care about social justice, or equal rights, then don’t be sponsored by Nike, end of discussion, no other company has exploited children and woman of color!


    Farty – I’m trying to understand whatever point you are trying to make.

    Use some complete sentences to clarify or elaborate.


    nn4mz what it said was Nike doesn’t just get their Materials from China but other poverty striking countries


    LeChina James you’re part of the problem


    Farty – Oh.

    Well, I was never saying otherwise.

    Why would you bring that up as a response to what I said?

CM Punk

Nobody cares NFL

    Keith Cousins

    Yes you do because you’re replying.

LeChina James

China children have no rights

Cashout 25

Guys repent from your sins Jesus Christ is coming back soon you don’t want to be left behind.

joseph pace

they used to say the nfl is the no fun league that was suppose to be for the players not the fans with the chiefs banning headdresses the nfl has gotten so god damn gay ill never go to a game again and i went to a lot spent thousands on tickets over priced beer and over priced food well at least ill save money


    joseph pace damn really showing your racism right now

just some guy

is this the nfl channel?..good grief..thumbs down


    That’s the point, for people like you to leave your white only bubble, to see how you’re benefiting from racism. If they don’t force it down your throat, you wouldn’t care, and think the police are doing a great job killing black people that arent famous.

    just some guy

    @ChiefSix unlike you i dont look at peoples skin color because im not a racist. I dont live my life with skin color googles on. Youre a race baiter, someone who tries to look honorable by using racial division to score good guy points. In reality you are a racist and would of disagreed with mlk when he said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

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