Washington Football Live – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Lori Bradley

Oh yeah. Do you love me? πŸ˜πŸ’‹ πŸ’πŸ’–β€οΈ

    Caleb Ash

    Get out of here bot

William Hoisington

Keep the name and put a redskin potato on the helmet

    Crandon Hector


Caleb Ash

Are we getting Cooley back in some form? One of my favorite players

    Brandon Fuqua

    Nope. They got rid of him. He was a toxic person, telling all the in house business. He should be gone and I was a fan of his when he played.



Cataclyst Alhambra

Awesome I was just looking up Fletch the other day to see what he’s doing lol thought he shouldve been a d-coordinator lol

    Crandon Hector

    Hopefully he’s giving knowledge to the team some how.


where the hell is Chris Cooley? Get him setup GET IT TOGETHER

Crandon Hector

Thank yall for the content and thanks for getting us back feeling great about this team. You are doing your job we just need the team to do there’s. Also thanks for making the intro shorter

Crandon Hector

Also player spotlight is genius πŸ‘.

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