Coach Guenther Excited to Put the Pads On, Details New Additions on Defense | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
jonny felix



Love this team RNFL

Elvir Doko

The original Pauly G

JonnY Jr Mora


Markel Coleman

LETS GO RAIDERS! Oakland to LA to Vegas, my loyalty has always been with this team for 23 years of my life. I raised to be a raiders fan and I am going to die a loyal die hard raiders fan because that is my team.

    Real Richmond

    It ain’t just a team….. its a lifestyle 💪🏽💯☠☠☠☠


Super bowl this season and Carr winning mvp



brendan galia



Loving the energy and motivation. Guenther need pads.

Six Foot Four Mike

I love the Raiders but damn I hate Paul Guenther. His schemes are trash and cost us quite a few games last year. Dude can’t stop a nosebleed.

Richard Ramsawh

The Jets game displayed the most inept defense I’ve ever seen on the NFL level. It was like a game of flag football between
adults and pre-teens. Learn how to coach. Plus, you claimed we were so much faster last year.


    I honestly don’t know why Gruden chose him in the first place. He’s a terrible defensive coordinator


Can’t wait for Rod to take over. Not a fan of this guy.


I’d take Rod Marinelli, or even Greg Williams over this guy. He’s a TERRIBLE COACH.

Real Richmond

If Gunther trucks off coverages again and doesn’t take advantage of matchups he needs to go….. but I think this year will be wayyyyyyyy better than last years defense

Leon Florence

He won’t make it through the year

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