Chuck Noll’s Pro Football Hall of Fame Induction Speech from in 1993 | Pittsburgh Steelers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Unorthodox way of thinking.
Fundamental teachings.
4 Super Bowl Wins

Gabriel M Rodriguez

Coach Noll, Steelers, And All The Players, Will Be Remembered For Decades,

Memyself Here

When men where men. And not the social media women they are now. I miss 70’s, 80’s football.

    Atheos B. Sapien

    “The social media women they are now?” Do you mean the ones constantly complaining on comment sections? Irony is beyond dumbasses ability to recognize, apparently?

Memyself Here

I bet with young people attention span they won’t even be able to listen to this great mans whole speech. Hell they may not even know he Coach Noll is. Sad now a days.

Michael Mitchell


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