#44: Mark Ingram (RB, Ravens) | Top 100 NFL Players of 2020 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Sports 311

He’s got an awesome personality!!!

    luke peretto


    Evil Maddox


    T McDowell


    Freddy Perez

    @Evil Maddox yea he does

Nikao Harbour

Every ravens fan:
#44 of the ravens better be on this list

Ingram definitely did better than I thought

    Lil Big time

    RavensFan_2169 I’m mad about that to but I’m more mad at Ronnie Stanley’s

    Andrew Fung

    As a ravens fan I thought everybody listed before him on the Ravens was more important TBH except maybe Peters but they are all great players.

    Ba Goai


    Urkel DiCaprio

    Evil Maddox you’ll say anything


    Lil Big time Same, Stanley got robbed big time. Top 50 at least. I mean the dude allowed 0 sacks. C’mon now NFL.

Jonathan Dee The One And Only

The Ravens have one talented backfield between Lamar, him, and now JK Dobbins…not a Ravens fan btw


Jk dobbins
justice hill
gus the bus Edwards
L. Jackson
God the league better have a plan

    Rich Ricey

    Gods plan is the playoffs

    Capsfan123 4

    They need I more reciever

    Kevin Durant

    TKD Tricker ong

    Austin Madore

    1st round exit again 😂

Kolton Reitz

Tell them to come see me

I think that’s it

Joey Wow I’m So cool

He’s the friend everyone wishes they had

    luke peretto

    It would be nice to have one friend

    Ba Goai


    88 Classic

    Really look how he talked his so called friends at the saints lol

    Freddy Perez

    @88 Classic u salty

    88 Classic

    @Freddy Perez about?? Speak facts now son🤔🤔

Ryan Hunnicutt

2019 season stats:

Games: 15
Rushes: 202
Rush yards: 1018
Yards per attempt: 5
Rushing TDS: 10
Receptions: 26
Reception yards: 247
Reception TDS: 5
Yards per catch: 9.5
Yards from scrimmage: 1265
PFF rating: 79.8
Selected to pro bowl

    whOOP 1

    @SuckmaD I think he’s this high cause he shares the ball with 3 players who one of them is Lamar who got 1000+ yards and Gus Edwards who got 800+ yards


    SuckmaD You Raiders fans are delusional. 🤣🤣

    UGK _

    SuckmaD Josh Jacobs on his way. The players jus give more respek to the guys who did it longer!

    Ba Goai


    Edgardo Rivera

    SuckmaD Josh Jacobs didn’t have to split carries with 2 other running backs like Mark Ingram did, and I’m not even including the carries Lamar took from him

Parker Perdue

Ravens will beat the Chiefs this year to go to the Super Bowl!

    Julian Shipp Jr



He had over 1000 yards and split carries with 3 running backs some of ya’ll only watch NFL highlight videos I swear smh.

    Peso Edison

    And 15 tds

    Ba Goai


Kendrick Jude Mausisa

LMAO the narrator said “Looook at the detailss” 😂😂😂

    Sheev Palpatine

    More like “look at the detaaails”

    Amelinda TOEIC


Killian Krummel

Hands down the best hype man in the NFL

Keith Cousins

“Come and see me about that.”
He had me saying that to people on Call of Duty for months.

    Amelinda TOEIC


Nicholas Lenovo

I remembered when he left for the Ravens people thought he would drop off. Boy we’re they wrong

    Julian Shipp Jr

    Ikr people also said avoid Ingram in fantasy leagues last year 😂😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Man I miss mark🤦🏾‍♂️ Raven fans, y’all are lucky as hell to have him. Trust me.


    TRUZZ we know

    Dennis 671

    We know we know belee dat

Ethan Skywalker

#BigTruss “Even Baby Yoda on that Big Truss” This is the way.

Jordan Davis

Mark is a locker room leader. You need a guy like him

    Ba Goai



As a Saints fan, I miss this guy. Glad he is still successful over there in Baltimore.

    Sean Kearney

    He’s doing way better here. 1000+ yards and 15 tds. I was hoping we got Leveon Bell when he was a free agent but I’m glad we got Mark Ingram. He definitely made me realize how thankful I should be

    Ba Goai



    As a Ravens fan and very respectable to the Saints glad we picked him up. And still mad you guys didn’t make it


When Lamar says “you don’t see that in real life”

Big Besar831

Damarious Randall: He looks for what we call “the smoke”😂😂

Stan ezen

Everyone wants a homie like Mark. You’d never be depressed with someone like that around hahaha

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