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Jeffrey Holmes

He was a steal

Jonathan Ossip

Call the cops cuz we got a steal

Michael Tetrault

Excited to see what he can bring to the team!

Rio Buck

If we trade Jamal I say we convert this young stud to safety he’s got the body for it

Brian Derkay

Love the fact he’s smart and a captain he’s gonna smack some heads this year

Khadafi 305

I want him and Bless to be the starter and Poole in slot 🔒

    Khadafi 305

    Big Facts @shane and I wanna see the rookie S Davis from Cal.. I think he will get some interception especially the tipped passes interceptions.. And resign ADAMS!!!!!!! Please..

    Shane Walsh

    Khadafi 305 honestly Davis is the reason I’m fine with Adams being traded as long as we can resign Maye as well because Maye can fill the role of Adams with Davis roaming centerfield

    Khadafi 305

    Don’t over do it @shane.. Adams is a better player wit all them guys put together right now.. we need Adams.. without him they will not make it..

    Shane Walsh

    Khadafi 305 I agree he’s a better player but if he wants 20 mil a year that’s a hard no for me Marcus Maye is extremely underrated and would still do a great job

    Khadafi 305

    Pay him… he play safety LB and pass rusher for us he all 3.. Maye can never stay healthy for us.. but when he’s out there he’s a playmaker.. we only playing Mosley and Bell.. Adams deserve some money.. he been there first

Ray Combest

Stay Focused

The D.A.N show

I love this kid coming out of college, he could start a few games this season.

Boss of the Bosses

Jets hasnt been in the playoffs since richard todd, yet they managed to let the patriots get Cam Newton 😲! I can’t do this anymore 😠!

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