Myles Garrett contract extension | 2 Minute Drill – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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I am convinced Myles Garrett is not an actual human

Dan 4005

Incoming helmet jokes, seriously this has been all that people said

    Daniel McMaster

    Was fully expecting to scroll down to the comments and see something about “Still deserves to be in prison for attacking Rudolph” and have to respond with “And…why are you watching this video?”


    There are some funny ones, but most of them are just annoying

Dan 4005

Garrett gonna be the best DE in Browns and football history

Dan 4005

I’m sorry for the Ravens, Bengals and Steelers. Myles is gonna be here for the best 7 years

    Dustin Murphy

    I’m not sorry lol

    Scruff D0g

    Garrett will probably hit Lamar or Joe Burrow hard with a dirty late hit.

    Ravens Fan4

    We’re not scared of y’all. Y’all are the BROWNS. Nobody takes y’all seriously.

    Samuel McMillin

    @Ravens Fan4 yall yall yall I don’t take anyone who says yall that much seriously

Natasha B

Congratulations Myles!!!! Love you💜🙂

Fred W

Congratulations Myles! You deserve every penny

Oren Smith

I am glad we signed him just No more brain cramps ☹️ and HE AND WE should be OK 👍

Mason Lawlor

$125 million seems a little rich for a guy that refuses to finish plays, set the edge, gets mauled in the run game, commits routine offsides penalties, and smashes other players over the head with their own helmet. But what do I know?

    jeff c.

    Nothing…you know nothing

    Zach Allen


    Ethan Stewart

    😂😂😂 log off…. right now

    Scruff D0g

    @jeff c. Garrett will probably hit Lamar or Joe Burrow hard with a dirty late hit.

Dustin Murphy

Now Berry needs to figure out how to lock up Denzel, Chubb and hopefully Baker. Providing he has a much better year than last year like we assume he will in this offense. Something is gonna have to give with 2 WRs making $15m a year. This may be the last year with both OBJ and Juice.

    Ethan Stewart

    Dustin Murphy Nothing Will have to give the can pay everybody you named and still have money left over that’s what cap management is for

Ashley Castle

Personally I’d have gave him 3-4 years cuz u never know what’s gonna happen. Plus all the other players that are gonna want paid in the next couple years, Chubb , Odell, Jarvis, baker ,Mack wilson, and others. I mean I guess u gotta pick somebody to pay first. As with everything there’s good and bad.✌️


    It will probably only have 3 years of guaranteed money.

    Ashley Castle

    OBJsBakersDozen idk. I know it’s 100mill. And probably half is guaranteed. Have to see what happens I guess. But I’d personally prefer having ten great players then having one “star”. Hate to see all the great young players on both sides leave cuz we can’t pay then for 3 years all cuz we gave one guy (who hasn’t even proved to be worth it yet) 100mill. But in reality, it’s all a betting/guessing game with this kind of stuff. He can be another Reggie white or ….Courtney Brown.🤷🏻‍♂️

Mark Krimmel

Browns on the move…..dawgpound

Scruff D0g

Garrett will probably hit Lamar or Joe Burrow hard with a dirty late hit.

    Samuel McMillin

    he has had one dirty play in his career I mean it was bad but everyone is acting like he just did it because why not I’m not saying it didn’t deserve the suspension and I’m not saying that it was okay for him to do it I’m just saying Rudolph started it and is not innocent

Dom Jervis

Please do not misunderstand me here. He is an EXCELLENT Player and I wish him nothing but the best in his NFL Career and his Life after football.

That said, they have this pesky thing in the NFL called the “Salary Cap.” His compensation will cut into the money that the Browns could have spent on a run-stuffing defensive tackle, a top-notch cover corner, or another position where the team could use some help.

I do not believe there should even BE a Salary Cap. But that might be the Libertarian in me coming through LOL Don’t worry, I’m not going to take that ANY Further.

Best of Luck, Mr. Garrett. Oh yeah, and PLEASE keep your Energy Level the Highest, your Teeth Filed the Sharpest, and an extra handful of “Mean Pills” in your belly for when you play those thugs from Western Pennsylvania twice per Season. My favorite team is whoever is playing the Indianapolis Dolts (no, that IS NOT a typo). My second favorite team is whoever is playing those aforementioned Western PA felons. My third favorite is whoever is playing that team from the Northwest coached by that documented CHEATER who blew town steps ahead of the posse.

Go Mr. Garrett! Keep on Rockin’!

Edward Gaines

I’m happy for Myles, but let’s hope he doesn’t have a target on his back after the Mason Rudolph faux pas.

Mel Bea

Let’s go!!!

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