Vince Sapienza on Raiders’ New-Look Defense for 2020 | Straight From The Source | Las Vegas Raiders – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Let’s Fing GO!!!!! Just Win BABY!!!!!

Andrew Garcia

i got big hopes for this defense RN4L

Benzo_ Foe

I’ll believe it when I see it we have had a garbage defense for so long I have hope tho don’t know how but i do

kevin ricardo lopez


King Savage

Raiders is about too wake everybody up this season

    Francisco Alvarez Jr

    Fax bro

Chris Crane

Collins is set to be a force too. Not enough talk about that

Jared Aldan



How exiting…when theres probably gonna be no season 🤷‍♂️

    Real Richmond


    Ugandan Chungus

    NFL is making people sign a contract saying they can’t sue the NFL if they get sick.

    EDPs Toilet

    Bite your tongue 😭

    B M

    @Ugandan Chungus if a player if under a million dollar contract, their agent probably wont allow them to sign it. Theres no telling what long term effects the virus can have on your lungs, heart, kidneys and who knows what else.

    B M

    @EDPs Toilet last month I felt for sure their would be a season, but the number of inpatients at my hospital with corona appeared to have doubled…dont count on fans being at games in Cali this year. A huge Raider fan base is going to come from California, so I doubt Nevadas governor would allow it. ✌🇺🇸


10 year fixture type guys? Come on man. That’s too much. Let’s see how this season goes. Totally revamped defense and remember that you gotta play the Chiefs twice.

Jack Tate

If they don’t beat that team in puke-red jerseys, it won’t mean anything.

Jacob T


The Magical Magician

I’m making a special spell for our Raiders just win baby

KAG 2020

Anyone know if fans will be allowed inside the stadium?

England is my CITY

Any one know we can still watch the games in the bay area


Everyone knows that our success is gonna be whether our defense is good. I believe that they will. Offense is gonna be 🔥 hoping our defense coincides with the offense in synch.

Jet Chip Wasp Productions

So you said the chiefs could resign everyone?

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