Our stories. Our voices. Our choice: Black Lives Matter – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Our stories. Our voices. Our choice: Black Lives Matter

Colts players and staff share their stories of racial discrimination and injustice and look to the future of the country in this moment of change.

The entire Colts organization believes we must foster this dialogue and do what we can to inspire positive change throughout our city, state and country.

Learn more about the Breaking Barriers initiative to support organizations and efforts that battle systemic racism and reduce barriers to opportunity with a focus on racial equity, economic and educational mobility, community/police relations, voter education and criminal justice reform at Colts.com/BreakingBarriers.

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Cali Smooth

Facts I like this🙏

J Colt

Respect 🙌🙏


Respect! It is an honor to be a Colts fan. The most powerful statement in this amazing video…. ” Not being a racist is’nt enough anymore, you HAVE TO BE anti-racist”

Colts Elite

I’m sorry these stories are actually happing to the people I admire


    It’s also happening to people you don’t know or admire.

Jake Goldstein

Class act organization! Glad to be a fan of such a forward thinking football team! Go colts!

jos delgado

Love this team!

Ben Irwin

Jack took my words… It’s embarrassing to hear some of these stories knowing that they happened in Indianapolis. Great video, glad to be a Colts fan, and I hope our players are proud to wear the Horseshoe


I love the fact that the colts organization are making it a priority to talk and try to educate people on this matter. I’m proud to be a colts fan❤️

Tyler Robertson

It is embarrassing to hear these stories as a white person from Indiana, and part of me wants to believe outs not true…it’s so sad that black people have to live like this…I’m so proud to be a fan of this wonderful team, and I can’t wait to see what they do in the future to fight this issue 🙂

Neil Patil

Colts acting like true champions on and off the field will attract another ring.

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