Robert Quinn talks protests, joining Bears defense | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Scott bulow

I have always loved the way this guy plays and I always said he made Aaron Donald the player who he is today. Cant wait to see how much better he makes Mack, Goldman and Hicks!


    I almost feel sorry for opposing OC and OL coaches trying to figure out who to double with Mack, Hicks, Goldman, and Quinn trying to kill their QB… almost.

    Larry Daniel

    I hope this defense out scores every body they face…we should be able to shut out a few games with this crew….


    Its going to get ugly for o lineman


wanna be friends?


wanna be friends?


Robert Quinn plays great but is even better when it comes to the mind. It’s shown here 🙌

C Pop

You are going to be a big help Robert we’re ready for you

Lenny James

Came hear for football NOT Protest talk!


    Sorry you can’t get away from it its a worldwide discussion

    Mitch 10

    rahkim0431 it’s suppose to be about’s just a waste of time it’s basically the Same questions


    @Mitch 10 I get everyone wanting to get away from the daily news it hurts its annoying but what hurts more is people losing family and friends and whats annoying is if we listen to peoplw like yourself who say i just want to see football but football is not more important than protecting future life what if your family was killed would you not want awareness from every direction possible

John Morgantini

Love how mild mannered he is. Very similar to Mack’s personality. Seems very unselfish

Danny Ina Phantom

Bear down baby, I’m here before the “keep politics out of football” chumps..

forreal pat


Frank Sheeren

Aaron this year your gonna get forced fed a Big Mack and Quinn cheese burger with a large Hicks and a medium coke….Change my mind no coke more like garden hose water when its first turned on.

Jordan Watson

Lmao I hate the redundant questions our media asks…give us better content

David Barrett

Why doesn’t NFL players address the issue of how the other 98% of blacks are murdered? Only 2% are victims of police.

Erick Dobrzynski

I’d be pissed if I was a black american. A race gets hurt and paraded around for political gain with fake promises of change. The media is asking everyone if they’ll protest, if they say yes they’ll get put on the headlines and thrown right in the middle of a race war. If they say no they’ll be called names. I feel bad man. Media needs to chill on that race stuff

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