Kevin Stefanski: We want to be a strong part of this community | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

cool video my guy

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D.N.A DatNiccAleXXX

The more I hear him talk…the more I like him…I’m just hoping he won’t be a Freddie kitchens pat shurmur hue Jackson etc…

Tom Hawley

Luv u Coach……..GO BROWNS…..


Nice video keep it up 9I6g

Terrance Brooks hunter

Really need the elf as a main logo helmet should be alt. Just need fresh start !! Excited go browns

    Nathan Phillips

    lol . what does the Elf mean?

    Dan 4005

    Terrance Brooks hunter noooo! The no logo is classic and nothing complex else works on an orange helmet, that’s why the Bengals use huge simple lines and that’s we we have no logo

    Paul Beduhn

    Its a Brownie not an Elf.

Jeremy W.

Nice to hear Kevin Stefanski commit to being an ally for the players and social justice causes that they want to take up. I think this can only bring them together and make the Browns a better football team and a better organization.

erick smith

#POW… the forgotten people…. poor oppressed and white… we go through the same stuff.. yet nobody speaks up for us… who will give us a voice???

Dan 4005

No way…. he’s on the Training Facility

Rob reviews Tech

I clicked on this video because I’m a diehard Cleveland Browns Fan. NOT A GEORGE FLOYD supporter!. The NFL needs to stay out of politics and PLAY FOOTBALL. This is supposed to be about Football, NOT A HEROIN ADDICT JUNKIE ( GEORGE FLOYD). He was NO MARTER!.

    Derek Snider

    No politics here, just social justice.


    Derek Snider social justice is political. It’s a contrived idea created by leftists. It judges people by groups, not as individuals.


    Quey P Newton Who’s against watching black players? That’s a straw man argument

Paul Beduhn

Thumbs down 👎on the football questions.


I clicked on this to learn about how the teams progressing and how coach loves Cleveland, but got nearly none of that. I feel terrible about what happened to George Floyd and it depresses me. Which is why I watch football and football content to escape the horrible reality that is around us. Please keep doing all you are doing for the community, but we don’t need to hear about it. Keep content true to nature cause we need it now more than ever. I’m actually having to go back to old content to escape ffs

    Gordian Stimm

    this is exactly the point mate. black people cannot physically escape these injustices on an institutional level, so it’s our responsibility to change things until they get better. then you can go back to escaping xx


    Gordian Stimm you must be the official spokesperson of all black people eh mate? ffs… 🤦‍♂️

Biagio Di Cioccio Jr

Can we keep the part where we can actually hear the questions? I like that.

Gary Foster

Stick to football please………………..

Guru Gawd

I’d follow this guy to war because he’d have the most strategic way of doing it

Jason Haines

Kevin Stefanski is doing it the right way. He is humble he is concerned and he has the ability to listen. This is the guy men will run thru a wall for. Long term this is the coach of the Cleveland Browns

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