Akiem Hicks talks protests, offseason | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

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nb 182

Hick’s is a real one.

Blessed Lord

17:09 – This is what most of you are coming to hear


    Kap opted out of his contract. Then he turned down an offer from the ravens because it wasn’t enough money. Then he had another offer from the Seahawks before his GF called them racist. Then he sued the league and settled out of court. He’s not a martyr. Wake up people.


    Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you good sir!

    D R

    @EZ this is Rodger Goodell’s fake account


Always listen to this man and what he has to say. He is a wise man.

Grizzly Adams

You’re the man Akiem. We’re standing with y’all.

Cheron Carter

Hicks got huge

    Gilbert Perez

    I feel sorry for Rogers!!

    willl 88

    @Gilbert Perez not me lol…

    Gilbert Perez

    @willl 88 Bears 🐻 down!

Diamond Lugo

we signed mike glennon 👀

big meech

I’m so proud to have gotten a picture with him at training camp, love the player and the person!!!

    cris solis


Keith Lambert

I can honestly say, this was the best signing since 85….his conversation and talent is definitely the anchor the bears need!…different dude man and I love it.

    cris solis

    I already commented on another comment on this video; but your comment is the truth! This man is an extraordinary type of player/person. Hope to see more of him for years to come.

jackster fire

Very high character guy, smart and oh yeah he is a great football player as well


It’s about making the world a better place and the Bears/NFL needs to step up. Colin took a unpopular stance and ultimately was pushed out of football. We missed an opportunity to begin a dialogue that could’ve prevented multiple tragedies.


    Yeah, but Kap didn’t help his cause by sporting socks with pigs in police uniforms. Generalizing like that is a good way to shut down any conversation. We could all be more eager to listen. I suppose that’s the problem. Everyone talks. No one listens.

cris solis


Pay To Win


Salvatore Baleno

We love you Akiem!

Mr. McGoo

I 100% agree that Kaepernick got blackballed…. But he was starting to decline and was possibly being a backup…

Adan Herrera

Great player, even better person✊🏼✊🏼

Barry Shoemaker

Beardown!!! Go 96…one of my favorite players to watch cause he’s always winning. And thanks to him for try to gut it out at the end of last year cause that elbow was messed up.

Atomic Bomb

Man I need a Akiem Hicks jersey. My current favorite Bear by far!!!!

Jared Wohn

When asked about kap, Hicks responded with “we signed Mike Glennon”😂🤣

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