Matt Nagy: This is way bigger than football | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Beat down!


2nd comment

Rick Valentin

The Bears are playoff bound!!!

    Alex Key

    Yes they are


    Not if we dont fix the O line

Rush 2112

4th comment

Mr Ghost

Bear Down🐻⬇️

ryan damon


Kavan Puri

13:48 yikes

Challie Wallie

Hey coach! How are ya doin? Josh woods is right, all of u guys have platforms to be a voice in these times of diversity. Have thw courage to stand for the little people who need your help, the little people who scrap and save their money to support our team. These are the people who actually lose their lights, homes, and other important things they sacrifice to cheer , support, and rally u guys when your backs are against the wall. Some players understand this analogy bc they were the ones who sacrificed for their team. Pls understand what colin kapernik sacrificed. I want to leave you with the analogy of Moses living as an Egyptian in comparison with josh woods and colin capernik. Would u sacrifice everything for your people to be the voice they need? Or will you lavish in your kingdom and be a beneficiary of slavery?

    Fred Wittman


Tony Banales

I wanna ask out Coach how does he take his play calling to the next level!

Conrad Sperry

I really hope foles starts I’m done with trubisky and his dump off passes

    Mr. McGoo

    Nah, Money Mitch will be starting. Its Pace’s last chance to show he didnt pick a bust. If Mitch is bad the first 4 games then Foles will be coming in.


Thanks coach 😔🤎💯

Vito Faiello

Have the players meet with CPD and explain their stories meet and try to come together. if they meet and get to tell their sides and what can make change and what they expect from law enforcement and where both sides are coming from I think it could make a huge impact. And maybe other teams and cities will follow.


Kneeling?????? No disrespect but please separate sports and politics. As a veteran, I strongly urge to not get involved in desecration anywhere but especially Soldier Field. The flag and Anthem is totally about sacrifice and love…and nobody has ever paid a greater price than veterans and their families. Might be better that you include veterans in your dialogue who served every color and culture. We don’t deserve to be disappointed by kneeling – standing up is a far stronger act of unity and strength that heals wounds than giving into political fear or pressure. Speaking with your mouth and serving the community with good ideas and deeds go so much farther than any act like kneeling. Ask yourself what does it truly accomplish? The honest answer is absolutely nothing positive. All we ask for is to respect the small amount of time during as it reflects the good, bad and ugly. This brings healing to the soul…we’ve all been through a long journey together and we have to have something which unites us to come to grips with the past, present and future to work together to move forward, heal, reconcile and act responsibly. I don’t want to see America like this again. Let’s try to make America a more peerfect union together ❤. 4 everyone and remember the world is looking at us and expecting better.

    Samuel Carlson

    Kneeling is a sign of reverence in every single context. As a Catholic- I only kneel specifically before God. How is kneeling disrespecting the flag? Furthermore, Kaepernick met with a veteran (former Green Beret Nate Boyer) when deciding how to protest in a respectful way. It is not disrespect- it is acknowledging the loss of life sanctioned by the state and demanding that America work harder to defend the values that it believes in, but has never fully practiced for certain communities in this country. Remember, the Civil Rights Movement started because a number of African American WWII vets returned home and were treated like 2nd class citizens despite fighting for this country too (and there are a number of veterans who themselves have lost their lives because of police brutality). I am grateful for your sacrifice and service to the ideals and values this country strives for- including the right to peacefully protest.

R Law

I wish Nagy all the success. He’s committed, he’s intense competitive, he expects the best from his players, he has their backs, and I feel they want to play for him and each other. Good question below asked by Tony Banales.

R Law

For the players to share stories about the racism means that they trust coach Nagy, and each other. Some of us actually march, and care.

R Law

Thankfully, the Bears have no one who is as tuned out to what is going on as Drew Brees.

Shalah Rahim

Why, I lost conference in coach Nagy for not having any respect for Mitchell Trubisky is the ultimate player for Chicago Bears and support him I every way and he’s my favorite player

Joe Malcom

I’d like to ask Nags if he will run the ball twice as much this year.


    You need an Offensive line to do that and ours sucks balls


I’m convinced racism is why Ryan Pace drafted Trubisky over Watson or Mahomes.

Challie Wallie

We love ya coach, always think objectively, never collectively. If your thoughts and actions are in line with whats right then we support you coach. Just dnt give us BS bc we’ll call u on it in Chicago. But we love our BEARS and I’m ecstatic that the coach of the Chicago BEARS, the founders of the NFL is dwn.

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