Sam Madison Talks About Chiefs Fourth-Round Pick L’Jarius Sneed – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
The Dubbman

Glad your coming back to coach like all the other coaches and players…#runitback

KSU 1989

This guy will be our gunner on special teams with that kind of speed.


    You might be right, but one thang for certain he won’t stay there long. Too much raw talent. Really looonnngg forward to seeing grow in the system.


Sam Madison real live OG folks. Snagged another CB Bopete Keys. Another 6′ 200 lbs player from Tulane. Where that 7th rounder came from is beyond me. Veach must’ve pulled out that wand.

    Brannon Meador

    Traded our 6th pick next year for it


    @Brannon Meador Oh okay good deal. Thanks bro👍🏾.

Bryan S

Man we added some good players and the running back is sickkkk

Playa Fly Fan

Sam Madison was a great corner and he always had sound technique with great feet. I believe he has a lot to do with developing our DBs. Hopefully can help Sneed forfill his potential

Sleuter McGavin

I really like to hear Sam talk. Haven’t heard him yet. Really excited for this guy to come in and be a press corner on the outside and hopefully replace ward. I can’t understand if we got this guy for safety though, I’m pretty sure we already have 4-5 guys that are going to rightfully be competing for their playing time especially when tyrann will take up most of that playing time. Someone please tell spags that when he came in to coach, ward WAS NOT OUR GUY, Sutton only put him in BC it was a last resort after a failed season in 2018-2019 defense. I really feel like when spags got here he assumed that ward was this guy who (chiefs kingdom) had essentially anointed at corner before he got here and that was by far in a way not the case. So you’ve got the public behind spags thinking he sees something in practice and you’ve got spags thinking the public had this image of ward being the starting corner before he got there when in reality he was undrafted for a reason and you can see from his D2 days at mid Tennessee through this entire season where he looked like a deer in headlights at best.


    Ward made huge improvements over the course of the season. He was #1 in passer rating allowed and reception% last year… Lol

    Sleuter McGavin

    brosif29 If the stats you are telling me are even true LOL! The defense as a whole was #1 in passer rating allowed which is a result of tyrann and our amazing pass rush. Not to mention literally no one looks at those stats except fanboys. If you purely look at plays that go to him, it’s amazing the pursuits this guy takes to avoid making a tackle, not to mention his biggest liability to us probably is his fundamentals defending the deep ball. I mean did you not see the biggest defensive mistake in the playoffs of any team was him against the Texans losing his man right off the bat and causing a huge swing in momentum that we thankfully pulled ourself out of…how many chances are we going to give a 2nd year undrafted timid weak hipped with no fundamentals or tenacity or instincts CB when we have an enormous range of guys ready to lay it all on the table for the team and ward hasn’t had a dirty jersey yet all year. I would really like to see if his entire career highlight tape would be better than JUST TYRANN on any quarter of any game last year. I’m thinking I’d take tyranns over him and we’re talking almost 1/100 of the sample to compare. (There’s some numbers for you)


    @Sleuter McGavin he’s also 3rd in yards allowed. You mean to tell me a guy made a mistake in his first playoff start of his career??? Mahomes threw 2 ints in the Superbowl too! Say it ain’t so… Lol, stats don’t lie, your opinion is garbage because it doesn’t align with reality.


hell yeah!

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