Coach Tomlin & GM Kevin Colbert wrap up the 2020 NFL Draft | Pittsburgh Steelers – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
eric arnau

Clay pool pairs up nice with juju and diontae. Reminds me of megatron with the size and speed

    Dat_Boi 412

    @Kyle Holbrook jus how incorrect can you be, you have to be doing this just to get on “Real fans” nerves you dolt


    Kyle Holbrook straight clown

    Perry Ellis

    @Kyle Holbrook I am not a big fan of Juju myself, to me he is a #2,#3 receiver, I actually like Claypool and Dionte Johnson as our starters

    Frederick E

    What about James Washington?

    M Brower

    …and he’s a good kid!


That dog barking made me almost skid mark my shorts as i had my phone up close to my head when he suddenly started his barking tirade.🐩💥💩

    Dane Bednar

    Just as I read your comment the same thing almost happens to me😭🤦🏽‍♂️

    Frank V.

    Did u see Mike give the dog the “look” that dog was quiet real quick!

    Dane Bednar

    Frank V. Yeah loo😭

    As your attorney I advise

    That ain’t no Pit or a Rot. What the hell kind of “dog” does Tomlin have?

    C. Brown

    Man that scared the 💩 outta me lol 😂 that’s the last thing you’re expecting to hear when you’re watching a press conference vid

David Muse

Nice draft way to do it all 6 picks should get serious playing time

    Izaiah Thomas

    David Muse I wouldn’t say serious but definitely a decent amount for rookies.

    John Doe

    David Muse exactly what my thoughts were

Kevin daboss


    Steelerz Reign Supreme

    Hell, Yeeer!

Ben Emery

Claypool is comming you won’t be disappointed Go steelers

Jondoe 297

Considering with where the Steelers were in the draft they got some great players that i am happy with even if the ones i wanted didn’t get picked still happy with what they chose congratulations on a good draft Steelers

David Taylor

I’m just excited for the season, I didn’t care who we drafted. If they come in and produce in their rookie season then great I mean awesome but I’m more interested in seeing Big Ben and what ju-ju can do and see if Connor is reliable. Then also see if the defense comes back strong with a full year of Fitzpatrick. I’m excited for the season anyways the draft is just a commodity so I’ll take it. Let’s go Steelers!!!


    David Taylor Hopefully we have a season.

Willie Mearis

Go Steelers 7 Super Bowl draft NFL

Luke Johnson

absolutely love Tomlins answer in that last question ! Didn’t hesitate

    Paul Mutzel

    is there a better way to show your trust and appreciation towards them?

Andy Tonner

Here we go!

Steelers Freak

That is AB barking at the door…

    Paul Mutzel

    oh yes I could hear the “let me in! let me in!” too

    Ricardo Valentino

    That dog won’t hunt anymore.

    Perry Ellis

    Lol 😂🤣 😂

    Jason Chapman

    Antonio Barking Brown lol

Fox Man66

Nice picks this year Mike and Kevin. These players being mostly seniors look like there about being team player and finishers. In the long haul the Steeler may look back and say this was a very very good draft. Plus the xfl signing and don’t forget Fitzpatrick. Great job Steelers. It takes a team to win football games with individuals giving everything they got at there position.

Joseph Moore

Our WR group and OL group just got 2 studs who could start day 1. If Antoine can be a god SS our Secondary will be complete.

Deedle Deedle84

I was really hoping we’d draft Lynn Bowden Jr

Perry Ellis

As usual great draft by the Steelers, it’s just something they know how to do, draft good players


Them 🐕 s in the background hahaha🤣

Zack Farnsworth

I can’t shake the feeling that we drafted the guys from Maryland because Tomlin has ties there. Our last safety from there worked out real well.

Richard D

Tomlin looks like he just rolled out of bed ! These 2 get along and work well together you can just tell . Colbert does the talking and Tomlin just chimes in . Tomlin job is to determine what a guy does on the field and he doesn’t want to talk much until he can see it for himself.

Jeromi Critikos

Tomlin looking at his dog same way he looks at Jordan Berry after a bad punt

319 Sports

I am mostly excited about Kevin on our line. He’ll be very useful in our run game, and he’ll good at pass blocking with development.

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