NFL Draft Day 2 Press Conference Call: Joe Douglas, Adam Gase and Rex Hogan – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Andrew Piercey

go jets

Cheeze Boiyz

Can somebody please explain the DB pick to me? Does this mean that they will let go of Maye and Poole and resign Jamal? Maye is a really solid underrated player.

    _ llvCorey

    Cheeze Boiyz Davis could literally play anywhere LB both safety positions and some corner I think he’s more of a depth pick for safety but he may play some corner for us and be a good backup anywhere because u know we struggle with injuries

    Steven Rondina

    Cheeze Boiyz could be a Safety net if they can’t resign Maye and Adams. I’m sure their focus after the draft is going to be Adams so Maye could be the odd man out. Maybe they resign both and like Davis in the slot. Davis is better as a roamer and deep Safety than always lining up over the slot

    P.J. Berger

    S is misleading. He can Play everything from wsl to safety and cb. My guess is theyll try to Play him at CB.


    As everyone else is saying, he’s versatile. Can play from FS, nickel, even weak side LB. Greg can be creative with that. As for Maye and Adams, it’s good to have the depth and flexibility and it could reduce the pressure to resign Maye. Maye is good but if his demand is too high, we’re not forced to overpay


Build Joe Douglas a statue

Cool DJ

I’m shocked Mims feel to 59. Many of the mocks had him as a late first rounder! What a steal.

Zachary Berner

Mims has a chip on his Shoulder because so many teams passed on him and will only make him better

    dj Royal Tee

    Every Player after the 1st pick says this…lol

    Tyler F

    dj Royal Tee but he’s literally a first round talent going in the late second round

Gary Scott

I think Greg William’s will run a creative dime package that will justify the safety pick in the third. Go Jets.

Gary Scott

When a team has a great offensive line like say the patriots had over the years, you can have average WO and make them special.

Chasin Benji

draft a kicker or punter


    That Georgia guy

    Jacob Burke

    @THEONLYPEEP rodrigo is overrated. Tyler Bass from Georgia Southern in a must


    “overrated” you never watched any Georgia games then. He was clutch

    Salvador Moronta

    Yes this team needs a kicker Jets lost to many close games.

P.J. Berger

Can we draft papa becton next? Lol jk aside, id be really happy About Bradlee Anae

jim jimmy

Good God! I’ve heard undercover mafia surveillance tapes that were clearer than this

    lyle l


John Pratt

I can’t listen love you guys but my military ear injuries,are suffering from the frequency here ,go jets Joe ,good job

Mumtaz Shamsee

Why is audio so poor? Is Joe in coal mine in Mars?

Grant Rude

This is absolute bush league audio quality. I expect more from a multimillion dollar company.

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