Browns Tender Kareem Hunt | 2 Minute Drill – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
browns for life

Great no branier move

    Kubby Kush


Jason Smith

I’m the biggest fan and I wish I could go to a game


also signed austin hooper to a massive deal.

    Brent R

    Yup. Back to their stupid ways

    Ohio Against The World

    @Brent R he may not be a “great” but hes a pretty solid te. dudes been in the league three years and has been to two pro bowls….


    @Brent R im pretty sure this means theyre gonna try and trade njoku. but agreed.we need o-line. got plenty of TEs. idk why Browns havge a huge hard on for TEs lol.

Kaleb Suarez

We need to sign tre Boston and peters or a good tackle

Toledo Seahawks

What is the point of giving him only a 2nd round tender and not a first round tender? If you wanna keep him, make him very expensive for others.

    BigPoppa Z

    That’s the point. We don’t really need him. So if someone feels like they could really use him we get a 2nd rounder. I don’t think anyone would give up a first rounder for him considering the issues he’s had past few years

    David Ratchford

    Because he just got busted again lately by the cops and nobody has ever been picked up for a second rounder. And if they did a first prob would have to pay him more. He should b happy anyone wants him the way he acts outside football. And im a die hard browns fan.

    BigPoppa Z

    @David Ratchford Kareem is the best all around RB in the league after cmc and saquan. If anyone can get picked after problems it would be him

    David Ratchford

    I have been a browns fan since 92. We have failed at trying to calm wild guys down. From andre rison to josh gordan and the many inbetween. The only way to move foward is to not make the same mistakes made in the past.

Jack Benton

I’m certainly glad to hear that no player with a 2nd round tender has EVER been signed away from their team…that being said, is there some reason why a team wouldn’t put a 1st round tender on a player? Is there some downside for the team if they do that? I’m assuming that Kareem’s off the field stupidity coupled with the 2nd round tender is enough to keep every team away from him, but IMO, from a TALENT perspective, Kareem is worth a 2nd round pick every day of the week. Especially to a team who is picking late in the 2nd round. Every single team in the NFL would be absolutely ecstatic to get a player with Kareem’s talent at pick 58 or somewhere in that range. Again, I’m assuming that his off the field issues will keep interested teams away, but I still would’ve liked to see a 1st round tender placed on Kareem to GUARANTEE that he is going nowhere no matter what.

In addition to that, is there any chance that the Browns sign Kareem to a long-term deal instead of just letting him play out next season on a smaller offer? I don’t mean if a team makes him a long-term offer and the Browns match it, I mean the Browns just taking the proactive step to lock him up long-term. I know the kid isn’t the brightest bulb on the tree, but he isn’t Josh Gordon-levels of dysfunctional and his talent is absolutely unbelievable. Nick Chubb is our franchise Running Back without a doubt, but Kareem is an overall more talented player…I’d even argue dramatically so. We can NOT afford to let a guy like him walk away after just one and a half seasons…and the half season was a total waste thanks to Freddie Kitchens.

My big fear is that Stefanski is actually a competent Head Coach and manages to build a killer offense next year and Kareem balls out like he did in his first two seasons with KC. If that happens he’s going to demand a MASSIVE contract and the Browns probably won’t be able to pay him AND Nick Chubb at the same time. If we lock Kareem up right now to a long-term deal, not only are we getting an unbelievable talent, but we are probably getting him at well under market value…especially with the salary cap increasing every year. Then again if I’m totally honest I have VERY LITTLE confidence in this new front office to build an elite team. Berry has already cut half the team and it sure seems like he’s banking on being able to sign some BIG-TIME free agents (like Anthony Harris in particular). Either that or we’re already going back into tank mode because at this point we basically don’t have a single starting-caliber Safety on the entire roster.

Josey Wales

Kareem Hunt … MUST be retained and supported …. This man is a rare talent, he has more heart than most people …. I for one have the Ultimate respect the young man.

    Edward Gaines

    I just have sympathy for Kareem, seeing his former team go to the Super Bowl.

Ohio Against The World

still so happy they plan on letting Joe Schobert walk in free agency, why do we need an awesome all-pro linebacker who rarely misses games when we need that roster spot for Christian Kirksey so he can play 1 game this year and be hurt again all season like the past 3 or 4 seasons. such a brilliant move.

    kingdan 216

    They cut kirksey

    Ohio Against The World

    thank god in heaven

Edward Gaines

Wait, so each division will have more than 4 teams each?



Frank Joseph

Too many playoff teams

Oren Smith


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