Zack Martin: Control What We Can Control | Dallas Cowboys 2019 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jeramiah Harris

Love my Cowboys. Let’s Go

Gabriel Valles

You’re definitely not a reason we sucked this year Zack. You’re always dependable.

Meredith ‘G’ Whiting

Jus get healthy and stronger this offseason is the only thing u guys should be thinking about FOCUS ON THE OFF-SEASON………

Ron Wilson

Zack is a bum


    Stay off the heroin, Ron

Reese Center

Point the finger to coaching, zack is the best guard period

Snoop Brown

Lol well we know what they learned in the team meeting “Control What We Can Control”


A lot of these guys are disappointed but I feel are use to it. 🤷‍♂️

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