Moe K

Van noy just like Belicheck 😂

Optimus Rhyme

Staley gotta go to the unemployment line.

Go get Sean Payton.

    arthur douglas

    I’m so tired of people saying “gO gEt SeAn PeYtOn”

    Chargers aren’t stupid. They’re not going to give up a first round pick to get him. Has Staley made some questionable calls? Yes. Does he have an ego problem? Possibly. But can’t take away how he brought the most injured team in the league at 6-6 to 10-7 and a playoff spot.

    If anything Joe Lombardi has got to go so he can take his predictable playcalling with him.

Wild Cat

Good Luck to the Chargers players! Especially Staley 🤣🤣🤣


lol Kyle with just the essentials

    Ahura Mazda

    Buttplug inserted… he’s ready to go!

James Brownson

Not funny and not entertaining without Mike Williams. Such an incredibly stupid loss.

Juan Ayala

Where’s staley and telesco 🤡🤡

    Larry Capoya

    Hope they started packing early

Oskar Fx

Let’s Go Chargers to win ⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡

Kevin Lopez

Staley must go now!!!!! Fire him bring in Shane Stieken now help this team help Herbert

    Ahura Mazda

    Now is not the time for division, bro. We need to cooperate and the best with what we have.

    Kevin Lopez

    @Ahura Mazda Staley must go

    Larry Capoya

    @Kevin Lopez 100%

Dwight Levinson-Gould

Imagine being this annoying and not realizing it 😭

    씨발 턱선보여주는거봐!

    it’s their job not like they have much of a choice 😭

Francisco Javier

Trust in what we got or go bandwagon the queefs!!!

Kameron Black

Bolt Up

Teri Giese

Just an observation?But there is NOT a single bad looking man on this team!!!😅👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻😄GETIT CHARGERS!⚡️⚡️🏆

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