Dec. 27, 2022 | Coach Saturday Media Availability – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Best thing about Saturday is that it isn’t as brutal as Sunday.

Joaquin Fernandez

I believe Jeff was hired to do just what is taking place. Get us in position for a decent draft.

eazibaby eaZI

why why why is Nick Foles still starting? why did you put Ryan back in when everyone could see he has declined. You play the young guy because he has room to grow. If he doesn’t improve at least you got to evaluate him thoroughly. These have been poor coaching decisions. Both Veterans on our rosters are pass their prime. Nothing to see from them after being in the league this long.

    Mike Thompson

    Ryan gets hurt he stays on the books and colts owe him 20 million now the can release him and get off that contract we already saw what we have in sam and it ain’t much none of these 3 will be back


    @Mike ThompsonSam had 1 pretty good game and 1 bad game. Definitely don’t know what we have in him and reps are valuable for his development. Should have rolled with him all season to really see what we have in him 2 games isn’t enough.

Gardocki‘s Playground

Nick is the QB 🤷👀🤡

Charles Hill

I hope Jeff Saturday come back head coach 2023

George Klipp

My question is what is it on the offense that can’t execute is it coaching or the players not buying in. And what do you do to fix it. Fire all offensive coaches or waive all your offensive players and start from scratch

Mike Thompson

Ahhhh ahhhhhh ahhhhhh ummmmm ummmmm ummmmm nnnnnn nnnnnn nnnnnn I almost miss frank


Wish I had a nickel for every time a coach said disappointed this season. What an absolute embarrassment this season has been. I hope Saturday was compensated well to go out and look like an absolute clown.


Nick set up dulan to get hit badly and got a concussion… and this clown keeps him in!? JEFF SATURDAY I HOPE U NEVER SET FOOT ON A FOOTBALL FEILD AGAIN AFTER THIS SEASON!!!!


Jeff Lasso!

oc andrade

Don’t why they keep investing in old quarterback makes no sense.


Oh let’s not forget we had one of the hardest schedules in the league this year also.

Heinz Doofenshmirtz

why nick foles
start ehlinger

Paul Murphy

I think we can all agree the Jeff Saturday experiment is over. Time to find a real coach in the off season and let Jeff go back to doing whatever Jeff does in his spare time.

Jonathon Hibbard

Nick is the QB? 😂😵 Did he not watch the game, he was there right? Did Jeff not say Nick has to earn it last week? Sam is at least mobile and can run away, Jeff I think you are helping us for the draft not competing for wins with Nick. Not upset just flabbergasted that Nick is starting again…wow😮

Mack Moe

Same Ole explanations every week.. He always states the obvious…where’s the accountability? I like Jeff but I don’t believe he’ll make a good HC..

Mack Moe

My Question is How Much Do You Plan to Lose to Giants by? parlays asking?🤣🤣🤣

Ese JuJu

Feels like Jeff is here to evaluate players and improve the OL as much as possible. Have to play with the cards you dealt with. I think next season is going to be a ton of changes with this roster.

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