Coach McDaniels and QB Derek Carr Postgame Presser | Week 16 vs. Steelers | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Every time I think it can’t get worst-it does 🤢 🤮

David Rodriguez

Another tough loss had plenty of opportunities. Sucks for the players that put there hearts and souls into the game. There’s a lot of hard decisions to be made for this organization going into next year and beyond.

    Phil Anderson

    Agree 100%. I’m all but certain about a quarter of the roster will be gone by next year. I like Derrick Carr as a person, Raider loyal, but he’s just not the guy. It’s time to move on.


Something is off with Carr. I did not think the Raiders could run on the Steelers especially after watching them beat the Panthers.

    Dave Clark

    Carr has led the Raiders to 63 wins -78 losses lifetime and he’s got them at 6-9 today. As a 40% win-rate guy, he’s RIGHT on schedule.

Derek Passante

Too many weapons on this offense to consistently struggle like we do

    Brian Williams

    @Cory Rider Last five years no QB has more turn-overs and losses than Derek Carr…


    @Luis Vejar our ignorant Owner that’s what

    Luis Vejar

    @27RAIDERMAN I Know , Mark went straight to his Dads oppositions for Help 🤡

    Elijah Martin

    It’s ridiculous that we have leaned and leaned and leaned on our defense the entire year. In our last two losses you can see how tired they are in the fourth quarter, but our offense should be getting bigger leads earlier, it’s impossible for the defense to work with a 1 score lead the entire second half and win every game

    Sly-Carbiine ™


Brooklyn Perry

we need a qb and a head coach with more fire and intensity…so frustrating that we CONTINUE to come out playing it safe in the second half and lose😡

    PYSTOLWHIP The Insane Raider

    Thank you bro! I’m not sure WHO can win in the second half of a game with this coach and his play calling. But it’s also time for a QB change. And a better defensive coordinator…


It’s been every time we’re puttin’ it in,we get too relaxed and then we LOSE! 😢No more excuses! Let us all 🙏🏽


    “We” didn’t lose today. Derek Carr did


    @tripp Foster Moreau face mask call, false start and dropped passed because he’s butter fingers then intercepted. Carr has a fault in this since he’s QB but it’s still a team sport

    Richard M Salazar

    @YouIn24Years they don’t want to hear that. They want to blame one person because rationalizing team losses is apparently too hard for our fan base.

    Oohhse Da God

    @Richard M Salazar Carr is paid millions for him to throw behind or over throw his passes

Steve Steele

I’ve been asking all year, what’s been wrong with Carr’s accuracy. It’s certainly declined. Some games it’s ok. Games like tonight it’s awful. The penalties were bad, but Carr’s inaccuracy cost us this lose. Oh well, see y’all next year. Hopefully we’ll have a good draft, and build a good defense. Hopefully Jones and Perryman are ok.

    Steve Steele

    @Brad Arbeiter That might be right. Those WR gloves are like football magnets. I’ve worn them. With those gloves anyone can make miracle one handed catches. Do QBs where less sticky gloves?

    Antonio Perez

    Carr has a back injury nobody is talking about?

    Albert Martinez

    @Antonio Perez that was almost 2 months ago nothing has been said about it since


    Carr needs to start crying again!😂🖕😂

    J M

    @Antonio Perez No one cares. Even Derek would say that. Win or go home…that is the harsh reality of the NFL.


There is no reason why we should have lost. We had all offensive weapons playing tonight. GET RID OF CARR!!!

Slide Glide

It was so predictable that Pitt was going to easily make the last score then Carr was going to throw that last pick.

    Tribe of Judah Lion (Zion)

    @Jackie Chun_420 Yep! That’s why they gave the ball to Josh Jacob 😂 nice try KC Fan.


    @Tribe of Judah Lion (Zion) he’s definitely not a KC fan


    Carr looked like he didn’t care anymore with that last throw lol

    Herlindo Rocha

    I agree, I told my kid what going to happend and it did!.. Bunch of BS!!

    Ron George

    So we can blame this1 on carr but how come he always looked better than this with such a worse offense love or hate him how come he is so much worse with this staff thats the big question if you ask me

Luke Parodi

I’m not gonna let the Raiders ruin my
Christmas. This is the first time this season I just chuckled it off and walked away from the TV. I knew we were gonna give up that touchdown, and I didn’t expect the interception from Carr, but I thought we’d make it down there and miss the field goal in the snow. Either way, not gonna let it ruin Christmas. Peace out Raiders ✌️


    I feel the same way

    Thomas Dellarosa

    NFL is Rigged 100% Obvious . Franco Harris was Murdered / Sacrificed for the Steelers to win this Game . The Immaculate Reception on Christmas Eve . Freemason Orchestrated Deception Rituals .

    Daniel Beltran jr

    @Smooth Operator worst 12-3 team in history lmaoo

    DAN B

    Good for you I gave up on this team after the titans game. Been a fan for over 40years it’s the same thing year after year. Now that they have moved to Vegas they burned their last bridge with me. It’s the managements fault always has been always will be. Quality players should avoid this organization like the plague.

    Kona the Rottweiler

    Once AGAIN no offense in the 2nd half!!! How many times do we have to say it falls on McDaniels?

Vegas GPS

Good luck in Houston Carr. Sometimes it’s just best to part ways


    And he would retire


Still wondering why we let Rich walk and not make him the permanent HC?

Bill Lozier

No second half points seems to be the story this year. McDaniels seems ready to make changes. DC is done. He won’t be back next year. He is more of a liability than an asset. Nine years in the league and he’s never gotten better. Just the opposite. Good luck DC wherever you end up.

Nathan Walsh

There’s always that one game where you can tell they’re defeated and done for the year. This was that game.

Petra B

Talent does not mean wins because Raiders have a QB who can’t lead.


Hey Derek, can you talk about the throws you kept missing and how come your ball placement accuracy has dropped dramatically


In every business, at every company, it always starts at the top. The players unfortunately will be the scapegoats for the ineptitude from the HC. You’re right McDaniels, the Steelers coaching staff are much better…. and so are the Rams, Colts, Jaguars, Cardinals, Titans.

Albert C

Carr had one great year and the Raiders mortgaged their future on him. Carr has been a real disappointment.

Rambunctious Rambler

I’m tired of getting out played at the QB position. Our Vet looks like a rookie every game im sicc of it. We need a TOP 10 QUARTERBACC.

Lou 408

Sad that we just didn’t get rid of Carr this past off season. Should have after Adams signed. Never thought we would be so bad that Mayfield would come back to the NFL and beat us after being kicked out.

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