Chris Jones: “I was going to say bring coats. It’s freezing.” | Press Conference 12/22 – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
K Cook

Good lord, is it cold 🥶

Sleepy Face

Stone 🪨❄️🥶 Jones 👑🫡🏹👊

Prefers Oxygen

Social media is a scourge of vileness…. even YT can get ugly
Get rowdy fans, all that rowdiness will help keep you warm.
Hopefully 95 will take down Mr. Smith a few times (without penalties)

Benjamin Wachold

Chris Jones needs some help on that interior D line. He’s the only one that seems to get to the QB maybe that’s what B. Williams there to do. It’s better to just stay off of Twitter its a bunch of nonsense.


    Brandom Williams came in for the run stop dude is a stud for run stopping

    T c

    Honestly we are good with what we got. The players play to what they’ve been coached to do. In a team sport such as Football at this level things are more strategic so it may seem like a player is not doing his job but infact he is doing what is asked of him. There are some very special players who know when to take chances and do over and be going their giving duty but not everyone is built like that. I would rather have a team that plays like a group then to have a team of individuals

Tim Clark

4 straight pro bowls is awesome!!!


WE love ya Chris!


Chris Jones! Amazing player!!! So from now on chris just throw the player to the ground like Mahomes was thrown! This way maybe Cheffers can’t call a Roughing the Passer call.

Anthony Hatton

Way to be a leader.

    George Cosrove

    Exactly. He’s come along way.

    Anthony Hatton

    @George Cosrove crazy to see the maturation of he and Kelce. Love it!

Rhonda M

WOW! I can finally hear the questions! Please keep it up.

David Belinski

CHRIS: 4 Straight Pro Bowls, WTG, Lets Beat The Seahawks, & Get Turn Overs. Go Kansas City Chiefs Kingdom!

Judy Phillips

IT is COLD 🥶. Man can’t . Imagine. Cooler and freeze. How can you play . I don’t like Cold weather.

    Champagne Lanier

    I love cold weather better than scorching hot weather

    Judy Phillips

    @Champagne Lanier the sunshine and the warmth it brings plus suntanning. I love warm weather.

T c

The super critical fans talking fire him or bench him ect ect just need to relax and enjoy the game. Y’all take it to personal. Enjoy the development of players and support your guys. Most of you wouldn’t be great coaches at all always talking down to a player b/c you think he should play the game the way you think

    George Cosrove

    Too much emotional investment on fans part and immaturity responding back to it. But hopefully it makes him play with a 🔥. lol.

George Cosrove

I love that Chris is mature and you should definitely stay off social media when you’re playing sports or any other celebrities. Wise advice.


Chris is my favorite personality on. this team.

Thomas Hubbard

EXTEND CHRIS JONES. He’s the last STAR on defense we have. The ONLY pass rush we have. VEACH can’t draft D line like Dorsey did, and we can’t keep throwing away Dorsey’s star blue chip players.. please extend him.

Rick Western

We must make chris jones a chief for life. Put his name on the ring of honor when he retires.

James Oakley

I’m proud to hang a 95 Jersey on my wall. Go chiefs!


“Being in the presence of happiness!” Mang’s a poet! Letsss gooooo, cheifs!!!

Lora Edwards


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