Nick Chubb: We are preparing to play in any weather | Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
CJ DeBord

Hopefully he can play Saturday

The Real Drew C

The best running back in the league! Nick Chubb is the best!

Michael Guscott

In chubb we trust


you know what they say about saints. They freeze up lol. Go Chubb Go


Chubb town lets go!

joel joss

Chubb IS the man. So fortunate to have him on the team. He’s one of those guys you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who doesn’t respect him.

scott zappa

The quiet beast.

Mark Green

No nonsense! Smile Nick. Crack a joke. OR not! 🙂 Just keep doing what you are doing.


So all the reporters are asking about the weather.. I’m confused bcuz I’m sure all of them have been living here for quite some time now. It’s not like Cleveland was a warm weather city then all of a sudden turned cold.

Ben Shihadeh

Damn. Reporters asking some dumb questions.

Larry Bedouin

MK the rushing tiltle isn’t even in sight.
Do your homework.

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