Todd Bowles on Loss to Bengals: “We Got to Keep Fighting” | Postgame Press Conference – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Todd bowles tanked a 10-6 jets team with multiple pro-bowlers and now will tank a bucs team with brady/evans/godwin and an elite defense.


    @WDtip VR if pigs got wings they could fly 😅

    John Roberts

    Bowles is a diversity hire. The NFL demands it.

    WDtip VR

    @John Roberts Bowles is a horrible HC and only a decent DC with the right HC. Leftwich is nothing without BA telling him what to do. Just like Belimy is nothing without Andy Reid.


    @WDtip VR leftwich is nothing without brady and arians

    WDtip VR

    @Alex 100% he’s lost


2nds half performance pretty much sums up the Buccaneers season

maîtrise de soi

I don’t bet, but for those that do, if you were to have bet against the Bucs (whether they were underdogs or favorites) since week 3 (vs GB) you would currently be 10 – 1 with 1 push ….

Fairwarning 007

Someone should check Bowles’ pulse… I can’t tell if he’s conscious or not.


    He doesn’t even know what day it is. 😂

    fart hole mechanic

    ​@Kekw but Brady couldn’t wait to get him hired and Bruce Arians fired


    A beauty rest.

Steve Austin

What’s crazy, is that the Bucs control their destiny to the playoffs, because IF, a big IF, they beat the Panthers and Falcons, none of the rest of the games matter. They won’t go anywhere in the playoffs though.


How about take responsibility as a coach… it’s not all the players fault

    Sous Chef

    Brady has four turnovers and it’s the coaches fault. Yeah. Ok. The fake punt I put on the coaches. But the penalties and turnovers are on the players. This team’s chemistry sucks


How far this team has fallen… fake punt totally changed momentum


“Got ’em in the first half”

-Todd Bowles.


    Toilet Bowles *


    ” We really showed em who was boss in the first half.” Lol

Space Explorer

Todd Bowles has accepted losing! Has no ideas moving forward. Lack of emotion on the sideline doesn’t get the team going!
At least Bellichik yells and screams when needed.

Redneck Metalhead

I know the Bucs have alot of key players out. But man this is getting out of hand. Lost just a few players over the off season but I still believe that the HC position needs changing. Bowles isn’t the man for the job

🎄Marshall The Puppy 🎄

Like, come on now. I want Bowles fired, I saw the bucs were winning big, and Bengals came back and won. I’m so mad this happened.


I agree with many commenters. Todd Bowles needs a look at. He had a game where he was in the driver seat against a very good team in the 2nd half. They needed to call different plays, not necessarily give up on aggressiveness. Plays with lower percentages to turn the ball over. The Bengals came into the second half wanting turnovers, and they got them in spades.

Bill Dover

Todd Bowles has to go. This team is a super bowl contending team. The talent on this team cannot be in this position. This is disgusting to see and we all know why. If Bruce Arians was this bad he absolutely would have been on the chopping block. This dude is a bad coach and he doesn’t understand how to play the game or how to function or how to adjust. He’s being exposed for being a very subpar coach that likes to tank teams because he doesn’t know anything else.

    Ryan Blanche

    We saw how unsuccessful he was with the Jets


How come the Bucs were in the playoffs with Bruice but as soon as he retires the immortal Todd Bowles has this playoff team at 6-8 😂

Roger Rodd

At least Bowles owned the fact that he made THE worst coaching decision of the season with the fake punt that tanked. He let a superior team he’d been dominating back in the game to convert a 4th and one on the -28 yard line. Same coach that orders punts on 4th and 1 from the plus 40 and field goals on 4th and I on the plus 3 yard line.
Oh wait-wasn’t he also the D Coordinator last year in the playoffs, when Cooper Kupp got open by 5 yards on the last play of the game against the Rams? Who could’ve ever imagined that Stafford would go to him? It was the first time all season I think.
Then instead of getting busted down to a Pop Warner coach Bowles gets the Head Coaching job for the same team?

John Roberts

Brady is gone after this season. This insanity must be killing him.

    Ryan Blanche

    The writing is on the wall that this will be Brady’s last dance in Tampa

    He doesn’t have the team he had the last couple of years (mainly Gronk and Brown)

Joe Gordon

If I owned this team I would fire Todd Bowles immediately and put whoever was calling the plays in the first half in charge.


Todd Bowles has proven with the Jets and now the Bucs that he is not a good head coach. He’s a nice guy, but definitely not head coach material.

Marilyn Miller

Get it together Todd … something is definitely wrong somewhere with someone!!!

Lisa Duran

This guy’s been saying the same thing Al season and the seasons almost over fire him and get a QB who could run

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