Steve Wilks says team lacked execution against Pittsburgh – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

They beat us at our own game. Still, we were in the game until the end. Would like to see us win out


    We can’t beat the lions it’s just not possible

Playa 1

Don’t give up Panthers Keep Pounding


    We have to brother the Lions are way tougher team if they want to be treated like a playoff team that’s the best place to start your run

    King Recent

    I waiting on that baker game ik i am panther fan but i gotta see that game WOOOO!! Baker slime time


Love it when a coach doesn’t sugarcoat a lost like that last coach did! Even in a lost he accepts total responsibility! This man is still my coach! Keep Pounding baby!

    Mike W

    He’s got you fooled.. 😆😅🤣

    Ruth Mackey

    Will he accept responsibility when Baker prevails? How is blaming execution taking “total” responsibility?

    James Socha

    Agree love how he handled it and what he said he owned up to it panthers gotta keep him
    Long term they really do

    James Socha

    @Ruth Mackey baker sucks stop it dude had one good game come on now baker is a really bad qb that’s why no one wanted him except Matt rhule he got lucky raiders over looked him he was bound for a good game he was so terrible for so long he was due for a solid game now he will go back to sucking


    @Ruth Mackey I thought Wilks started off by saying “We didn’t do a great job and that starts with me…” I don’t know how much more responsibility/accountability he can take for the loss

Gregory Campbell

Tough loss today but I’m sure coach Wilks will rally the troops and have the guys ready to play and win next game. Just got a few loose ends to tie up.

BOT Chad

Get McAdoo out of here; 2nd down on the 2 and he calls 12 or 13 personnel. What a doofus.

Spencer Bacon

Keep Pounding always, I love this team, I still want one more year of Wilks at least, I’m impressed with the culture he’s brought up. I want to see a full year and what he can do.

    The Flinns

    What culture? Win a game and lose a game. It would be great to be consist


Been a fan all my life, been through all the ups all the downs Keep Pounding forever I love my team!

Keta Davis

What a great Coach he always accepts responsibility ❤️

    The Flinns

    Good he can take responsibility when he loses his job as well.

sup bro

Just we need a plan B for when they figure out the run and macadoo gotta go wilks the 🐐 tho

norman casey

He takes the blame, but it was the players who did not have any passion

    Maw is angry that Twitter hasn't been deleted yet.

    Yeah, it’s like they wanted to be tackled.


    Fr thats what you want in a coach and discipline, and matt rhule lacked both of those things

    Maw is angry that Twitter hasn't been deleted yet.

    @SH_cryptic Ew. Don’t ever say the words M*tt Rh*le again.


    @Maw is angry that Twitter hasn’t been deleted yet. forgive my language

    norman casey


Andrew May

Our team played pretty bad as a whole But hey, our one bright spot was our QB play, for once. Incredible touchdown from Sammy to DJ. Today showed We don’t actually need to JUST run to win a game! We will gettem next week!!

    Ruth Mackey

    You had bright spots from Mayfield when he had time to throw the ball.


    @Ruth Mackey no, they’re were no bright spots, he doesnt know how to escape the pocket and Sam does

Toons on Strings

Give this man a season to put together a staff/roster and I believe he will be one of the greatest. He is working with what he has been given. It’s rare to feel like rooting for a coach after a loss but I really feel like Wilks is a gem.


    Here y’all go getting wayy to ahead of ur selves, he’s better than matt Rhule but still not the answer

    Ruth Mackey

    He is also working with what he doesn’t have. He got rid of Baker Mayfield.


    @Ruth Mackey Wilks didn’t forcefully remove him. Baker requested out.


I know we lost but I was still impressed by the passing game like when Darnold threw that td in the corner

Leah Miller

The O-line couldn’t defend, protect, hold, and push so that the RBs could do what they did last week. So with those inabilities, the offense was ineffective to allow running and throwing for TDs as the game went on. They helped Sam get a few good throws but as the game wore on especially in the red zone, they didn’t do their job and the coaches were afraid to let Sam throw the ball. McAdoo’s play calling was wrong a couple times.

The argument for getting better coaching is real obvious and recruiting to get the right good new young players in the O-line, TE, substitutions for defense, and another veteran WR to build strength in this budding good team.

Jacob Rea

Wilks is still doing a great job. Keep pounding!

Raffels Videoblog

I would not want to be in the lockerroom with coach Wilks after a game like this. He looks scary when he is angry.
I like this, he doesn’t sugarcoat, he sais it like it is. A true leader in victory and defeat. Give this man the job already!


Win or lose I love my team 💙 keep pounding

Michael Winstead

Love the fact he took responsibility and is visibly pissed. The man cares deeply for the team.

Andrew May

Straight up. Whoever asked if Sam was still the starter needs to get fired. And Wilks, not stating that Sam is our guy. That’s pissing a bunch of us off. Sam was the only player who played well yesterday. Trading for Baker got us in this mess in the first place! 😡

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