Discussing the Giants vs. Commanders Illegal Formation call – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Gabe Angel

Yeah obvious interference holding on the last plane -evidently the advertising dollars were behind the Giants for the playoff first
Same dollars that did not want the Pats in -I’m not a fan of either team but I’m also not a fan of a game that is continuously viewed as being scripted or rigged -without exception all the comments describing the ending of the Pats game are “dumb” – how about UNPRECEDENTED –


“We seen games like this year after year” yea you’re just proving there is a problem. Fire the officials


    @Mask Collector Thats what I mean. We can all see the replay real-time. If we see a replay where they say a guy did not get PI’d but he very obviously did, it should be possible to call it a foul after the play is over and reverse the refs decision.


    Commanders would’ve lost anyways

    Mask Collector

    @Rapsculio Then let the fans vote on it and give them all a remote lol. It’s still going to be biased. Need some kind of relative objectivity/law of the land. The bottom line is they use said subjectivity of the rules as an excuse not to call them at their convenience. It’s criminal.


    @James Andrew Cullop i just said this earlier today. Fine them. They fine players for everything. Fine the officials.


    @Mask Collector I’m saying that there are objective calls that can be made and should be. A foot out of bounds or a ball dropped before a knee hits the ground are objective things that can be seen. A rule change to allow some guy in a cubicle looking at a replay that sees an obvious mistake by the refs to overturn their judgement. It would take 1 minute and fix half the complaining about refs that people have. These things do not have to be subjective calls

ColbyPup Gaming

If anyone from the NFL actually sees this, you should seriously consider adopting the “X” sign from pro wrestling as a way for a player to stop play if a teammate is injured like DeVante Parker was.


This just proved the point that refs are acting like hall monitors or bus drivers, or cops.
They are not there to allow for a level playing field, they are there to “catch” someone.

    Holo Cade

    thats kinda their job like it or not…

    Mask Collector

    @Holo Cade To rig games? Yes, 100. That’s why human refs shouldn’t be allowed to be used in the game.

Mny Mar

It’s not a subjective call. It was clear as day. Call it what it is, don’t be scared

    Mny Mar

    @nopixel Roleplay I feel you

    Mny Mar

    @aeroplane exactly

    Mny Mar

    @Holo Cade that point in the game with what’s on the line, who wants any miscues man


    @nopixel RoleplayThat’s literally nothing the issue here mate. The issue is they didn’t call it from the start, not whether it’s reviewable. You don’t need to watch it in slow motion to call an obvious PI.


    @Matthew BanksI don’t think you understand what PI is if you watched it multiple times and don’t think there’s anything there… I mean seriously, not trying to be rude here, but you need to learn more about what PI is if you think that wasn’t exceptionally obvious. You cannot impede the receivers motion by pulling or grabbing them in any way. The DB not only holds him back (allowing him to get a hand on the ball), but he also holds down his left arm, not allowing him to even use that hand to catch the ball. It is clear & obvious PI.

Calamari Cam

That illegal formation call is bizarre

    Mask Collector

    @Bringit 316 Twice. He confirmed twice as per everyone there.


    @scott tamClearly a giants fan, move along.


    It absolutely is, people acting like it’s normal or commonly called are bugging. Wideouts commonly end up lining up a bit too far back on these kinds of plays and it is never called, especially when it has no impact on the play. You can go back to all the other 2 minute drives this year in the NFL and see receivers constantly misaligned.


    He was ok until the slot receiver went in motion.

    Logical Dude

    He didn’t line up any differently than the Giants or any other team lined up all weekend. The refs needed a penalty on Washington there, that’s all there was to it.

Jason Settle

It’s the next morning, and I still feel sick over this one.

    David Gilbert

    I do as well I’m tired of the NFL


    Yes, it’s a tough pill to swallow for us. And in fairness, I will say we never should have left it up to the officials. As a rested team, we should have planned and played better.

    Bringit 316

    @Mantleii 100% agree but DAMN! The Refs was really bad in the game before the bye against the Giants. I know I’m not making this 💩 up.

Lance Ewbank

There wasn’t enough time for Terry to look at the ref 28 times


    @Holo Cade lol bro he can’t move up too much or it will look like a false start. He moved up just a tad little bit too and in games in the past terry does the exact same thing and gets no call.


    @Holo Cade also if he is as smart as a middle schooler his come he did all 4 years in college 😂. Not every WR knows when a formation is legal or not hence why every WR does it in the league .

    Holo Cade

    @Autismo13 Lmaooo he did 4 years in college because black people get a free pass in American college especially if they do sports


    @Holo Cade what does race have to deal with this? I don’t get your point.


    What he needed to do was GET ON THE FRICKING LINE. It is not that hard. I’m sure his Pop Warner coach taught him the rule.


We don’t want to let a penalty decide the end of a game but a penalty decided the end of the game.

    E •

    @Daniel Resendesand when you argue FOR the call, you’re arguing AGAINST the non-call (against the refs). And vice a versa.

    So no matter what argument you’re making, ultimately you’re arguing against one of the big ref’s call/non-call.

    Mask Collector

    @Daniel Resendes And they were robbed of the chance, no excuses. Rigged games should be punishable criminally.


    That analysis was infuriating to listen to.


    all theses sports debate shows are pathetic they knows that the nfl all sports is fixed/rigged but they are forced to keep quiet and they put something in these people contracts like a Non-Disclosure Agreement like they do the players that they can’t talk bout it like this show good good morning football show the nfl own this show and they mad sure they make these people who’s on this show sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement before they can get the job so they can’t really can’t speak they own minds and tell you the truth live on tv that game yesterday were fixed


    and these people work on these debate shows is being paid well so they not going risk they job to tell you the truth that the league is fixed

Chris Reading

They dont throw when the defender is on his back like a cape but back in the 2nd qaurter on the 2pt conversion there was 0 contact but they threw on offensive pi

    Charles K.

    He ran a pick play to free the receiver hence the call…

    Kalon Meekins

    That was the game changer

    Jamar Johnson

    @Charles K. the DB initiated the contact

    Charles K.

    @Jamar Johnson He initiated it by standing his ground and having a player run into him? What the hell are you talking about? The DB actually took a step back when the contact was made.

    Lay off the smoke my man.

    Alt Live

    @Charles K. it’s the same the receiver was running his route and standing his ground you lay off the smoke. It’s a bogus call.


This game was like watching a baseball game umpired by Angel Hernandez

    Greed is Good

    I mean… Damn.

    Xena Xander

    Lets Be Honest We All Remember This Video:-

    Ronald modale

    Or CB Buckner!

Caleb Eubank

I didn’t know bear hugging a receiver in the end zone is a “subjective” call but hey
Also, the refs don’t wanna throw a flag on the final play when it screws NY but he was more than happy to do it screws Washington… The fix is in!

Medjay Mack

I love how nobody would ever suspect the games are rigged lmao. Just like the pats game, on the raiders td catch the guy was clearly out of bounds and they let it stand. There is waaaayyyyy too much money in the nfl for it not to be at least rigged and in my mind as someone whos watched football 20+ years its become 70% scripted.

Shamell Rivera

This happened to the giants so many times


2017: “Put it in reverse, Terry!”
2022: “Move up, Terry!”


The payout odds to end in a 20-20 tie were crazy high. The chances of that happening again were so low that Vegas couldn’t deal with that payout.

    Mask Collector

    They are ripping off the public every single day.


One of the rare times when the refs actually ruined the game


    The refs have ruined games many many times ur simply wrong

    French Chicken

    Giants vs Washington 2 weeks ago, DPI was never called to seal the game for the giants. It happens. that DPI shouldve been called last night but also the Illegal hands to the face on KT hsouldve as well which wouldve ended the game cuz Heineke was about to get sacked. the illegal formation was soley on terry, line judge told him to move up and he did a tiny bit then dotson motioned he didnt look back at the him


One (or more) of these refs absolutely had some money on this game. That illegal formation penalty was probably the most egregious fixing by an NFL official I’ve ever seen. Same goes for the offensive PI called on the 2-point conversion earlier – horrible

Baldphace 2417

The second down play should have been a touchdown. When the quarterback scrambled he had a lead blocker to the side and that blocker just let the defender go right past him and the quarterback didn’t try to score. It look like he was running to run out of bounds instead of trying to score the football.

John Quilhot

Very interesting that once the NFL partners with gambling companies, the number of ridiculous calls (and no calls) like this start multiplying.

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