Struggles on defense must be corrected after loss in Detroit | Rapid Recap – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Detroit didn’t punt the ball once😭


    Mike Caldwell is the worst most unprepared coach in nfl

Nancy Woodward

Defense sucks


    Because of Caldwell

Durango 88

QB sux


    Are you stupid? The defense was the reason for the loss.

    Das Das

    If he sucks why was he one of the most highly sought after QB prospects in history


Jags secondary been given out free W all season long

Collin Wicker

Embarrassing day all around.

Jordae Baker

The defense is atrocious.

Ben Hoene

No one is mentioning how bad Special Teams were too. It felt like all the Lions’ drives started around the 45-yard line.

Smart Maxwell

These 2 love trevor lawrence. The lawrence injury was the best part of the game. We could have finally gotten rid of the bust at that point.

    Pop Culture Jaguar

    He’s literally not a bust it’s just our defense is horrible

    Das Das

    You guys calling Trevor a bust have to be trolling at this point. Trevor has played amazing the past 4 weeks and completely turned his reputation around.

john doe


Heather Stuff

Wait jags have a defense?

Pop Culture Jaguar

2015 vs Brady? I guess your forgetting our game vs patriots last year

Clarence Dunn

Bucky For GM.

Super TAL

We have too many high draft picks to have such a pathetic showing. The defensive is so ILL prepared. What is the problem? Do we have players that are not as good as we thought or do we have a poor defensive coordinator/coaches?? We need accountability big time! These draft picks look great on paper but consistently under perform. It is Accountability Time people!!!

Harold B

AWE MAN WE STINK AGAIN… like hot farts when your stomach hurts

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