Derrick Brown: We’re all we got – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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We have each other and a 5-8 record. There is no distractions. We can do this! #KEEPPOUNDING


Wassssted pick


    🙄🙄 if you know panthers football then you know this has been his best year! Everyone that comes out of college doesn’t come in right away and dominate their position!! Panther nation #Keeppounding

    ur local Target Karen

    How is he a wasted pick he’s getting better every year he’s one man he can’t do it all he finally got some help on the line this year and he doesn’t have to take all the pressure now he’s a beast obviously you don’t know football all that well j.s

    Sam Randall

    Bro Derrick improved significantly this year he’s prob a top 10 defensive tackle in the league rn


    Wasted pick? Seriously dumb comment

    Patrick Egan

    What are you talking about? He’s playing like a top 5 defensive tackle rn. Ur just a causal


Seeing Derek smile and saying it definitely sounds a lot easier than it is really made me think! Lol! As a fan whos never even played football except in 8th grade and in backyards, I can’t imagine the struggle!

Spartan Ghost

Dude is a beast in the middle

Terrence Tate

No more back to back 5-11 seasons


Brown’s a hound. He’s a panther that’s got that DAWG in him


    Our favorite kind of players! Straight DAWGS ✊


now we can hear the questions only took 13 weeks

Kenneth Andrew

KEEEEEEEEP POUNDINGGG !!! Big game for us at home ! PROTECT THE BANK !


Derrick is a young man but I hope he can study Kris Jenkins and really get mean and nasty on the field. But my man DB is already being triple teamed. So he must be doing something right. Keep Pounding.

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