Deshaun Watson Postgame Press Conference vs. Bengals | Cleveland Browns – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Jimmy Kaufisi

Great game. Watching from New Zealand.

    Kayson Adkins

    That’s awesome man. You have just as much of a right to be a Cleveland fan as I do here in Ohio

SHSL Trash

Sucks we lost, but this season was pretty much a wash anyway. We had minor playoff hopes but it really was a long shot. What’s important is that deshaun showed improvement. Over 200 yards and a touchdown is much better than last week. Use the rest of this season to get him back to speed and come back next year ready to win the division and hopefully the SuperBowl.


    This has to be rapism

    David McGlone

    @Post Social Daily Show me a Super Bowl in the last 50 years!! I’ll wait………

    Nick Chubb 2427

    @David McGlone my grandpa had been a browns fan since he was like 6 he has been a browns fan forever and he still watches and is the biggest browns fan I know. You might have given up, but me and my family will never give up on them.


    @Post Social Daily i gave up on him lol he’s still arguing this 2 days later cuz he has nothing better to do like i said he should go spendtime w his grandkids instead of arguing on the internet lol

    David McGlone

    @Nick Chubb 2427 That’s good. I never said you had to.


He played much better today and showed flashes of the Deshaun of old, and more is to come.

    Sheese Family

    He is a tool period!


    Oh yeah he’s really gonna rape the league

    Clint Holt

    @P H wrong again he led the league in 2020 with 8.9 yards per attempt

    mark reilly

    @JJD when you don’t play a game for 700 days it takes a little time to get back in game shape. He already showed improvement in only his 2nd game. The browns knew this season was about getting him ready for next year. I think he will be back to his former self next year.


    @mark reilly he’s sucks bro


Remember everyone, this is just an extended preseason. He needs to work himself back into seeing game speed. You can see the potential but it’s not going to happen overnight. Seen progression from week to week and as long as that continues he’ll be fine

    Edward Gaines

    @Trolls_Royce All right then. Then there’s really no reason to get mad anymore. Foregone conclusion, so maybe next year.

    Michael Schupska

    @Edward Gaines Yes, exactly lol. This is what mature fans who have an above room temp IQ will do.

    Matt Waldman

    He looked like he did in Houston. Im sure he will get a little better next year and be a fine player, the problem is after next year he will have absolutely nothing around him


    What did you think? When Goodel gave him 11 games.

    mark reilly

    @Matt Waldman why they locked up all their top players. The browns have the record they have this year because of their defense. They need a good defensive coordinator a good DT and a couple LB’s

Ghettos Voice

DPJ is gonna be a problem with #4 🔥 and Njoku is a beast

    P H

    DPJ better get used to diving for passes at his feet and wrecking his yards after catch thanks to DTWAT.

    TO Reloaded

    @P H 1 ball thrown low and it was catchable still. shut up already

    P H

    @TO Reloaded Watch the game next time. And remember, and L is an L, but it hurts much more when it’s to the Bengals.

    P H

    @TO Reloaded So hilarious that a $235M fool handed Joe Burrow his only win against the Browns! LOL!

    Cash Warren

    Good connection

Chad Kellogg

Watson has amazing game awareness. His ability to recall the game from memory in such detail and be able to hold himself accountable is a true sign of a leader. I dig him!


    You dig a rapist? Go figure

    Ashton C

    Nobody knows what they talking about. His contract is restructured once Lamar / burrow are finished with theirs

    Mark Ross

    @Post Social Daily plus why did he pay them? If he did nothing wrong?I’m not paying anything to anyone if I’m inacent.and he swore to God in front of TV cameras he’d never settle then did.yeahthat make sense you d bag.go give him a happy ending.he will bring his own towel.

    P H

    @justzoinked Yes, he will be on the bench. DTWAT is not a hard worker, and he doesn’t have that eye of the tiger of a young Brady. He will make sure he is on the bench and eventually asked to leave with every single penny of the Browns money and every last drop of their hope and dreams. He played ya’ll, and so did the Texans, and all those great ESPN highlights. It was all a big setup.

    Mel L

    ​@Mark Ross Yeah because he’s black. No proof and or evidence. There’s a public court document that all you fake hypocrites didn’t want to talk about or acknowledge with evidence of text msgs, pics etc. that his attorney submitted. Hence not 1 but 2 grand juries and the FBI chose not to file charges. With 24 women it should be one smoking gun, right? Just one but it’s not. How would you like it if 24 people said you murdered someone and that wasn’t case? Do we just believe them because it’s 24 or should there be proof? Wake up.


Saw some awesome glimpses of what this is going to be… excited for the future.

    P H

    Watch the 2020 4-12 season tor the Texans to have a full look at what your future looks like. Sorry, you guys were an easy mark.

    Justin Edse

    @P H Yo, what’s your deal?

    Clint Holt

    @P H how about the previous two seasons before that?

Chilly Cereal

Feel like he was throwing too much. Thought the Browns had a good running back ? Should use him more. I know it’s going to take some time to get back in playing shape. So the Browns should run the ball a little more.

    Larry Kinnard

    If you watched the game the run was being stopped basically every time. You can’t open the defense if the run game isn’t working so you have to switch it up with the pass play. Chubb couldn’t work his magic at all.


    Gotta actually watch the game to see what was going on


I love what I’m hearing and seeing from him. He’s getting more comfortable and back to the old Deshaun. And he’s a competitor. Bump all the noise, Cleveland you have a franchise QB

    Post Social Daily

    Only the the terminally clueless, Mayfield lovers and haters are blind to this fact.


He looked much better this week and showed multiple athletic plays. High hopes for our future with him.

    P H

    He’s a great athlete, but an average QB. Unfortunately, since his last ACL, he is reluctant to run the ball, so don’t expect a Michael Vick, Josh Allen, or Lamar Jackson. Those days are behind him, especially with $235m whether he plays or not.

    Clint Holt

    @P H wrong he’s a great quarterback not just a great athlete. He’s the all time leader in completion percentage and he averages a healthy 8 yards per attempt in his career


He was much better…I already knew this season was done now it’s all about getting him ready for next and we will be unstopable!

matthew foor

Only the browns could figure out a way to START their preseason in December.
Dear Lord

    Post Social Daily

    Do you really understand how pro football works? Doesn’t seem so.

    P H

    @Post Social Daily It was a good joke, rooted in truth, which made it funny as hell.


You got this, just stay locked in and focus !!!

    P H

    He’s fully focused on that next massage.

    Cole World

    @P H u got no laughs bruh

    P H

    @Cole World You mad, bro?

    Cole World

    @P H no ik you probably thought u was getting laughs and nobody laugh bud weak joke overplayed


    @P H Lmaoooo, this the best you could come up with ??

Remy Barton

His ability to keep plays alive is truly amazing. Wish he didn’t have to so much but the O-line has struggled real bad the last few weeks. This team will be a huge contender next year, no doubt

    Andy Bales

    @P H Manziel…I have no doubt had the talent…instead, he was focused on partying…as far as Baker…I’m calling it right now…he’s going to play really well for the Rams…reason? Finally has a competent coach, for the 1st time in his career…plenty of talent & arm strength…many other QB’s drafted high by the Browns…were “busts” reason? Poor organization & very poor coaching

    Tray Harrell

    @Andy Bales Yeah, this one isn’t true. We lost 8 games by one possession that year. That’s not a whole lot of losing badly. The defense gave up 29 points a game, yet we always found our way back. It was on the back of Franchise QB. You forget we were 11-5 and 12-4 the years before with a declining team. Browns never have.

    Andy Bales

    @Tray Harrell while many games ended up being 1 possession losses, how many of those games did the Texans score very late when the D was playing prevent defense? and was willing to give up some points, as long as the clock was moving…this scenario happens all the time with losing teams

    Tray Harrell

    @Andy Bales Nobody plays prevent defense in a potential one possession game. His QBR in 2020 was 112.4. Garbage time yards would imply that he played poorly prior to going down. The defense gave up 29 points a game. of course he’s going to have a lot of yards trying to keep us in the game. You can say what you want about him but don’t downplay the guys ability. Texans waited a long time for a QB like him. The Browns have waited even longer.

    mark reilly

    @Andy Bales coaching has nothing to do with baker not being able to read defenses. He has led the league in int’s. Over the 5 years he’s been in the league. I like the guy but if you want to talk about an average qb baker is your guy

Derek Poland

Id like to see what jaelon darden could do as a deep threat WR

Retro Gamer Dude

Much improved from last week! Stefanski needs to stop with all these cutesy plays and play to Deshaun’s strengths. Deshaun has primarily played mostly from the gun his whole career. I didnt count but i feel like we need to be doing that at least 50% of the time in passing situations! I dont blame this loss on Watson. He missed some pretty wide open guys but that could be that he had to scramble a lot. He will only get better! There’s basically nothing to play for this season at this point lets experiment with plays and route trees that just gets him in the groove like he was in Houston. Let’s Go Browns!

    P H

    He was 4-12 in his last season. He peaked 2 years earlier. You got a bill of goods.

    Retro Gamer Dude

    @P HYeah and also Bill O’Brien is a stooge and traded away all their good players. No wonder he asked for a trade. Bill really screwed the Texans and its shown the last few years

    P H

    @Retro Gamer Dude He sure did. Good thing they didn’t give BoB a $235M fully guaranteed contract that would sink the Texans for a decade like it will the Browns. Now the Texans have a lot of good picks at the expense of the Browns! That was a swift recovery the Texans made!

    Retro Gamer Dude

    @P HHis best statistical year was his last year in Houston. But Dude being a Browns fan sucks I gotta admit. My peak happiness was when we won that playoff game. And we got rid of our qb a year later. I don’t have the luxury of being a fan of a good football team hahaha. So my fall happiness for the next several years depends on Watson being able to at least be competitive. So yeah sorry bout it I know it sucks to be Browns fan. But I’m loyal 😓😓😓


Love Watson’s knowledge of the game. This time the loss wasn’t completely on him, it was due to being undisciplined and taking way way to many penalties. That cost us the game. I definitely see that old Watson is still there. As I said before, I stand with Watson, he is MY QB!

Alex Caldwell

I watched the entirety of the game. Deshaun played very well. His ball placement was very good especially with receivers struggling to get open against this secondary. The tip throws in the red zone hurt but that’s good play by the d-line. I’d also like to see DPJ come down with that fade on fourth down. Great throw. Didn’t expect deshaun to look this good this quickly.

Ryan Tilman

Let’s go Deshaun we believe in you. GO BROwNS!!

Kreepalo XAY

If deshaun was able to play this whole season it would look different mvp mode next year for him

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