Matt Eberflus on overcoming injuries | Coaches Show Podcast | Chicago Bears – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE

Them god damn turf fields are terrible

Chris Yentastic

I’ve seen people start to not like Flus cause of how he’s been saying the same things over and over despite to losses and injuries.
But I think that’s why Flus is the perfect coach for this team right now. We most likely weren’t gonna compete this year, the rebuild is in progress, and injuries happen. I think Coach Eburflus has don’t a great job keeping the teams head up and looking forward everyday. He’s the calming force and that’s what the team needs

Derrick Mc

At least we know one thing about this coach He knows how to do press conferences

    Amahd Cole


Joseph Matuszak

Sanborn can be a staple of the defense at this rate. The injurys hurt, but don’t let them disengage, keep em engaged. Nothing good comes easy. Semper Gumby.

James Marchetti

Transition and change can be tough but he said the basic Magic Word !!! Foundation!!!


Fields: I can’t do it, you do it. Simien: I’m not going to do it, you do it. Fields & Simien together: I know, let’s get Nathan! Coach Flus: Nut up Simien!

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