Sean McDermott Recaps Win Over Cleveland And Getting Team To Detroit During Blizzard | Buffalo Bills – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
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Sean McDermott Recaps Win Over Cleveland And Getting Team To Detroit During Blizzard | Buffalo Bills

Head Coach Sean McDermott addressed the media after the 31-23 victory over the Cleveland Brown Sunday topics include; the effort getting the team to Detroit to play the game, the atmosphere of playing a home in Detroit, how he got out of his house for the game, the city of good neighbors helping get the team out, the offense improved running game, getting in a rhythm in the second half, Lineback Matt Milano setting the tone of defense, and being gap sound in the running game.

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Hey Zeus


Thomas Frontera

Go Bills


Best fan base in the NFL! Go Bills!


❤ go bills 🔴🔵

Jonny SouthSide

Love you coach….post scriptum let tre white know we miss him.

    Chris Parker

    White dont care hes a chicken scared to get back out there and help his team!!!!!

    Austin Nebu

    @Chris Parker shut up. We need him in the playoffs. Use your brain like they are

Blablabla Blabittybla

If you want to see the best of humanity, be in Buffalo during a snowstorm.

Arthur Eames

I love this team. I hope they continue to believe in themselves because there is no limit to how far they can go! GO BILLS!

    Amos Burke

    To paraphrase the Cigarette Smoking Man from The X-Files:
    “The Buffalo Bills will never win the Superbowl as long as Sean McDermott is the head coach.”


Field goal add up! Running game is important! Wow got a win amazing!

    The Duck from the Joke

    I feel like it would have been better if it was like against the bears we could have given it a cool name like revenge of the bass or something LOL cuz you know bears eat fish, I mean I guess it doesn’t matter who we were playing I just want some cool nickname given to this game it’s more points than that Jets game that we only scored field goals in a few years ago because bass got that extra point 19 points that’s a huge number, not what you really want but bass-o-matic!


    @The Duck from the Joke Here you one and it is simple and true! Just getting back to the Bassics!

Truth Reason

I’m disappointed in some of my fellow bills fans. There were so many negative comments during the first quarter. All of a sudden everybody is here praising the team.

Go Bills!

    D M

    I think the negative comments are because over the years the bills have blown it. Hard to get that out of your mind. Good to see this team come together after so many years of losses

    Ellie Cobb

    Either you’r loyal or you’r not. some just have to “play from their chairs”, they always Know what others should do.



buffalo mike

Go Bills!


Hey Sean… is there any way that Beane can build stipulations into future contracts, that allows the team to recoup some of their guaranteed investment, when players like Tre White get paid and then proceed to quit on the team?

It cannot be good for the culture of the team, to have Tre getting paid big money as a healthy scratch while guys like Poyer and Dane are doing everything they can to get on the field and help the team win games… and aren’t getting paid.


Dane Jackson gotta tighten up? He was getting 🔥 burnt all over the field? 🙄

Tom McMasters

Last week the Bills were one bad non-call of pass interference on 2nd to last offensive play (and a bad snap, and on the wrong side of a great catch) away from winning and Facebook was lit up with Bills fans calling for everyone’s heads.

Today they are up by 15 with less than 2 minutes left and if the Browns player had a little stronger grip (like Jefferson) he may have taken the onside kick to the house. I would be surprising to see constructive criticism that recognizes how close these last two games really were. We could have won or lost both.

Personally, I think over confidence was a problem in both. I did not like all the possing I saw from the defense on the great plays they made on the Browns first couple drives. It was a waste of energy and it did nothing to prevent the good plays the Browns made next.

Also, in both games they thought they had them won, but they did not. They must keep their mindset on making plays till the end of the game.

They are a great team, but you have to play the entire game.

Chris Bell

Thank you coach for being a good man. Built this team with the right character on and off the field!

The Duck from the Joke

Never forget that there would be no Buffalo Bills without the Detroit Lions, Ralph Wilson was going to try and take that over cuz he was from Detroit and was given the opportunity to come here and expand the league instead, and I believe the Detroit Lions gave financial support to that which would have been in the 1950s 1960 was the first season so I never mind when we go there because it’s like paying tribute to our forefathers and giving them a chance to see you know what they helped create.. thank you Detroit, from Buffalo never forgotten

The Duck from the Joke

National people don’t realize this but two things, snow plow services weren’t even allowed out because the snow was so heavy only bulldozers in front loaders were allowed for a while to be on the roads because the snow was too heavy for you know pickup trucks, and second there’s a development behind the stadium which is like a half a mile away and but driving through the roads it might have well been 20 mi away, like if they could have cut through the woods they would have been right there and that’s not everyone but there’s a lot of people and I know cuz I’ve delivered food over there, but when you have Josh Allen’s heights worth of snow like any snow shoveling service became obsolete they weren’t even allowed on the roads!

Dedrick Lavender

The best fans ever bills Mafia for life I love you coach God bless you and the coaching staff and all the Buffalo Bills players good win


Smarter plays in the red zone, except for that one unsuccessful hotdog move. Next game, take all field goal/extra point kick opps please. Great job!

Mason Lawlor

McDermott is a fantastic coach. Organized and even keeled but also gritty enough to light a fire under the players’ asses. The Browns brass voted unanimously to hire him in 2016 but our degenerate gambler of an owner decided to hire politician Hue Jackson instead. Much jealous of the Bills organization who has put together a consistent football team that the blue collar fans are proud of, win or lose. Props.

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