“We All Fought Very Hard” | Duane Brown Postgame 1-On-1 | The New York Jets | NFL – FANTASY FOOTBALL FAN SITE
Red Man

My guy

Billy SBC

It wasn’t all the offense (even though the offense looked stalled today), the defense couldn’t get itself off the field either and it let Mac Jones complete 85 PERCENT of his passes… Also the defense needs to read a book on tackling again, because they were missing with arm tackles, whiffs, and just plain not wrapping up on impact, yes the defense had all those sacks but in every other aspect of the game they were not very good. Oh well, right now the Vikings are losing to the Cowboys 37-3 in the 2nd quarter… You never know what each sunday is gonna bring you in the NFL. On to the next game. Go Jets!


    Which game were you watching? The defense gave up 3 points and got 6 sacks.

    They also had to hold up against time of possession because the offense didn’t do anything.

    The defense played as well as a defense can play in the absence of an offense.

    Show me a similar stat line from another defense playing this week.


    @Markwon’t have to look far check the Pats stat line

    Chris N

    Defense did its job, they bent but they didn’t break. This was 30% on the offense, 70% on Zach.

    Tim Emmel

    Bro dont even say it wasn’t all the offense. Defense played lights out. Let up 3 points? Should always win the game.


    @Tim Emmel are you a Pats fan?
    They could say exact same thing

david broadhurst

Yes you did dog but your quarterback didn’t he should of been benched! Zack is killing the team!

    Kevin Hockersmith

    He should have thrown
    more picks. They ran the ball very well. Big holes to run through
    and Zach stunk

Dallas Herd

don’t apologize for zach

Harry Cardillo

Better job, execute, better job, execute, better job – FFS, the play calling is garbage. Was there a screen in this game? A designed roll out? A reverse? Any creativity at all? A deep shot down the field? The Pats have a good defense, we needed to get creative and take shots in this game. We did none of that. They could have thrown it up to Mims or Wilson at various points of the game. It’s too easy to play defense against a one dimensional team, especially when they take away that one dimension.

Dil Martinez

Why not look at the offensive coordinator


You can just feel the defeat…

Joao Barreira

Time to start ANOTHER QB. Wilson looked scared and lost.

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