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Why can’t our QB talk like this!

    Rob Soulia

    Seriously his comments compared to these are night and day

    Rodney Dee

    What Quarterback?


thats a leader


Heard this all summer long : “This is the year the Jets will FINALLY beat the Patriots”. LOL!!! 😂😂😂

That’s 14…THAT’S RIGHT 14 in row for the Patriots over the Jets! 😂😂😂

joe marr

A leader


    Because he isnt an NFl qb


True leader

Kevin Groff

Class act, some people earn that C on their chest!

david broadhurst

Not your faults it’s your crappy quarterback who should of been benched!


This is why he’s one of the leaders of this football team! Let’s be honest he earned his C on his chest! Zach Wilson was given the C simply because he’s the QB


As a Jet fan I had questions at the start of the year about this team and some have been answered but one big question that still hasn’t been answered is the quarterback, still don’t know if we have one or if Zac is too fragile mentally for NY. Coming off a bye week Zac looked terrible and he still struggles to make the short pass and you are seeing the frustration on the receivers when they are open and he doesn’t get them the ball on target.

    Barney Miller

    I’m usually a Zach believer but something was wrong today.

Viking security

Zach is a joke and we all knew it already. Ppl try to tell us different… but we as fans already knew!!

Barney Miller

Wow. This guy is giving me the feels. Hang in there Hardee. This game ain’t on you. You’re part of the reason I keep rooting for you guys. Chin up! Let’s go beat the Bears!!


Respect to you 💯


That’s my special team’s Ace, man!😢 His ❤’s bigger than a double-decker bus! I saw the effort he put in on that play… Got triple-teamed, knocked down, AND STILL got back up and made a hell of an effort to chase down that kick returner… But came up a little bit short. Its admirable what he’s doing here, a true leader!… Unlike that mental and emotional midget playing QB!
This loss wasn’t on you, bruh! We all know who it’s really on. Number 2 played like, dog💩 Saleh knows!


Not on you boss! One of the unsung GOATs of this team! ✈

Chrono Kenny

This is a real man. Takes full accountability for this loss when its not on him at all. Zach sucks and needs to go.



rochelle moore

The punt return did not lose the game. Zach was the problem. The coaches should have pulled him and given the team a chance! They failed the defense!


This is what Zack Wilson was supposed to say much respect to Jeff Hardee

TopCat Warliss

Don’t feel bad Hardee three Guys were holding you on the sideline, then you still tried to chase him down-you did your thing!

Martin Lacsamana

This interview compared to Zach’s is night and day

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